The Prize For Winning The Europa League Is Your Weight In Beer

Who wants a ring to commemorate a championship when you can win your weight in beer? Sure, a ring might last longer, but what will bring you the most joy? The answer is always beer. Sevilla FC received just that for winning the 2014 Europa League.

Translation for those who don’t speak Spanish: We’ll give you a fuck load of beer.

Fortunately for Cruzcampo beer, the players’ combined weight doesn’t really parallel to that of an NFL offensive lineman, so the company won’t be out too much beer. As far as prizes go, this one really can’t be topped.

  1. ZeteNJ

    For perspective the Europa League is like the NIT of European soccer, the Champions League being like the NCAA Tourney.

    10 years ago at 12:28 pm
  2. WestTexasFratter

    Cruzcampo is the Keystone of Spain and costs around $1.25/beer. It was responsible for many good nights when I studied in Seville.

    10 years ago at 1:00 pm
  3. GoldCupFS_993

    A 200 lb. man would receive give or take 332, 12 oz. beers, assuming the beer has a similar density as a liquid lb. of water equaling 16.9 oz. #adderall

    10 years ago at 4:36 pm