Brazzers Twitter Account Comes Through With Great Consecutive Tweets About 9/11

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Brazzers wants you to take a moment of remembrance for the lives lost on 9/11, but after you do, they want you to watch Madison Scott get her sweet, tight ass fucked in “Wet and Ready.”

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Not just good, but great consecutive tweets right here from Brazzers. You have to take a moment to show respect for the worst tragedy our nation has ever endured, but then let’s get right back to business, and business is watching sweet, tight asses taking it.

At least they didn’t use 9/11 to push a flash sale or fish for cheap RTs like so many others out there. Big ups to Fleshlight, too.

Crazy good social media game.

      1. USArmy

        Viewing it is not a violation of GO #1. Possession, transfer, creation and displaying is the actual violation. It doesn’t say you can’t watch it by yourself. If you get it from a website, as long as you don’t download it to your computer or portable device, it’s not possession.

        10 years ago at 10:03 am
    1. Tailhook

      No, he had to have looked over someone’s shoulder. Those sailboats aren’t over a little boy.

      10 years ago at 10:43 am
  1. Capitalist_Gentleman

    Someone at the TFM office stole that picture of the shirtless from the 90’s. It was there and now its gone into someone’s private porn stash.

    10 years ago at 5:36 pm