Second Video Of Drunk LSU Couple Surfaces, Shows Really Odd Behavior

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By now you’ve seen the viral video of the LSU fans doing the makeout bleacher tumble surrounded by 90,000 drunks at Tiger Stadium. A second video of the couple has now surfaced, this one showing what looks to be the moments leading up to their fall. They’re doing the sit-up-and-fucking-kiss-me-you-beautiful-bastard move, a drunken classic. Just kidding, I’ve never seen this one before.

Here’s the tip I received:

Hey Roger,

I know you’ve probably seen the video of the couple making out in LSU’s Tiger Stadium this past Saturday, but here’s another quality vid of the flirtatious foreplay leading up to the big climax. Do what you will with it. Don’t disappoint. Oh also, there’s rumor she’s a kappa, but my kappa (alum) friend said there’s no way that’s true because “she’s clearly working on her abs and kappas don’t work out”.

Geaux tigers.

Taking a swing at the Kappas, too. Is it true they don’t work out? Here’s the video:

Have yourselves a day, LSU.

    1. War_Damn_Frat

      Can confirm, not one. But I’ll be damned if they don’t try to make up for it.

      10 years ago at 5:06 pm
      1. hugebroner

        Thanks for the confirmation. I just couldn’t go on with the rest of my day without it.

        10 years ago at 7:12 pm
  1. hotFRATsoup

    i do that, my only ab workout ever, only when I’m eating box, though. then my whole body is dripping in sweat and my face is all wet, too.

    10 years ago at 6:50 pm
    1. hotFRATsoup

      like i’m riding an elephant, while it’s washing itself with water, with saltwater, from the ocean.

      10 years ago at 6:51 pm
  2. buddahsmcmansion

    God speed to whatever fucking creeper was making sure to video them the whole time.

    10 years ago at 2:50 am