Louisville Restaurant Takes Crab Off Menu When Jameis Comes To Town

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Let’s keep this short and fun, y’all. Is joking about Jameis Winston shoplifting crab legs old news? Yes. Is it played out and lazy? Absolutely. Is it still funny? You better fucking believe it. So when I got this culinary news out of Louisville, I still chuckled, regardless of the lack of originality.

Jeff Ruby’s Steakhouse of Louisville, Kentucky has announced that they are temporarily taking crab legs off the list of options at their raw bar. Why? Because Jameis Winston and FSU are visiting this weekend to play Louisville. On one hand, I love this, because citizens of football towns getting in on rivalries is awesome and gets “Explosions In The Sky” playing in my head all over again. On the other, Louisville is going to get their shit pushed in, and I’m not sure how a snarky menu decision is going to look in the aftermath. “Oh…well at least we burned him good, right?”

Now, this is serious business in general, because no one knows the importance of a solid raw bar at a steakhouse better than me. Taking crab off the menu for the sake of a joke really means you have to be dedicated to the joke. So overall, hats off to Jeff Ruby’s. You guys seem like funny dudes, and you’ve got a name that implies it’s a damn good place to eat. Count me in.

[via Sports Illustrated]

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  1. The_Names_Doug_Dimmadome

    He probably doesn’t care. It’s not like he was going to pay for it anyways.

    10 years ago at 5:14 pm
  2. StandWithRand16

    Louisville metro has paired up with the Louisville Humane Society to put the “pinch” on him for once. Local Greek life has implemented the services of a working girl to give him all the crabs he wants. Jameis’ trip to Louisville will be more than giving.

    10 years ago at 12:58 pm
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    […] • Louisville restaurant taking crab off menu…because […]

    10 years ago at 9:00 am