Rush Boobs From This Week (24 Photos)


Since the dawn of the internet, fraternity members have been convincing girls to write “Rush (Insert Fraternity Here)” across their chests for promotional purposes. Over the past couple years, there has been a massive resurgence in the world of rush boobs, and more recently, rush ass. Here are this week’s photos, available exclusively on Cyber Dust. Tell your motherfucking friends.

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  1. Rehabilitated Bro.J.

    You dumb fuck they call Intern I had download Cyber Dust again just to see sail boats. I hate you and everything you love.

    10 years ago at 2:20 pm
    1. Frock_Itch

      You should have known better than to trust the intern, BroJ. He’s a failure in every sense of the word.

      10 years ago at 4:04 pm
  2. Whiskey_Tango

    I hope every time you cover up a nipple with a sailboat, you get kicked in the balls by Frat Jesus. You’re essentially spitting in his face.

    10 years ago at 2:28 pm
  3. Henry_Bankshaft

    You guys have no idea how much you’re damaging your brand with this cyber dust bait and switch. Die in a fire intern.

    10 years ago at 12:44 pm