Ridiculous Tinder Pickup Lines, Part 36


Crazy things can happen when you swipe right.

Follow @TinderConvos on Instagram

Tinder Lines 17
Put a little effort into it, man.
Tinder Lines 8
We’re all desperately on a search for our 7.
Tinder Lines 6
Tinder Lines 3
Tinder Lines 2
He’s right. #NAMEGAGS2015

If you have a hilarious Tinder interaction, send it to TheDeVryGuyTFM@gmail.com.

Tinder Lines 13
Me Tinder, you Jane.
Tinder Lines 16
Ba dum tss
Tinder Lines 14
Right on her bundchen-hole. #NAMEGAGS2015
Tinder Lines 11
Brains over Braun.
Screen Shot 2015-03-18 at 12.42.48 PM
The message we all fear.
  1. The_Names_Doug_Dimmadome

    Charizard wins this round, although I have a feeling I wouldn’t have swiped right on her.

    10 years ago at 2:49 pm
  2. Big Meech

    This portion of TFM is always full of try-hards. I rarely read one that makes me lol. More tits, less tinder?

    10 years ago at 2:53 pm
    1. Big Meech

      Lacing up for wanting to see more of the female anatomy rather than some corny pickup lines?

      10 years ago at 3:35 pm
  3. golfs_finest

    Why is Kelly always that girl that’s just a little slower than most? Not 12 years old in fourth grade slow, just a little.

    10 years ago at 3:16 pm