Penn State Removes KDR For Hazing And Secretly Swapping Nude Photos Of Passed Out Girls
Back in March, we brought you the story of Kappa Delta Rho being suspended for posting creepy pictures of girls passed out and naked in their secret Facebook group. Vile behavior.
The university has now reached a ruling on the matter. It has removed KDR’s recognition as an IFC fraternity for the next three years. In addition to the pictures (which was the main driving factor), the university cited some hazing incidents for the punishment.
From Penn State:
The University’s investigation concluded that some KDR fraternity members had over the course of time engaged in sexual harassment and misconduct; hazing activities, such as forcing pledges to run errands, clean the fraternity house, and participate in boxing matches; and had forced pledges to “plank with bottle caps on their elbows.” This means they were forced to hold up their body weight on their arms with bottle caps placed underneath.
Pledges also were made to create stories containing pornographic images and a “sex position of the day;” members regularly posted embarrassing photos of women; used demeaning language to describe females; and cultivated a persistent climate of humiliation for several females.
Individual members of KDR are also going to be subjected to Penn State’s Office of Student Conduct to investigate if they are in violation of the university’s student code of conduct.
These guys deserved everything that they have coming to them. Good riddance..
[via Penn State]
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Damn it guys. If you’re going to swap nudes of girls make sure they’re dead or at least conscious
10 years ago at 11:42 amYou might want to sit the next few rounds out
10 years ago at 11:59 amHow about you shove that passive aggressive bullshit up your ass? Just a suggestion
10 years ago at 1:19 pmYou’re talking shit online, kinda hard not to be passive aggressive.
10 years ago at 1:30 pmRelax, your comment just wasn’t funny.
10 years ago at 1:31 pmOle English walking in, thinking he owns the place… classy.
10 years ago at 3:01 amAt least it wasn’t pics of little boys #dusky
10 years ago at 11:43 am#Dornsky
10 years ago at 11:52 amTFM was a better place when Jerry Fratdusky was around. Uploading butt pee pics and making hilarious pedophilic comments and shit.
10 years ago at 2:45 pmBringing up old users reminds me of better times. Dorn, you better bring the f*rums back before I figure out a way to bring John Redcorn, Shibby, and The Chilis Guy back.
10 years ago at 3:02 pmShibby’s alive. He’s killing it over on PGP. By the way, if you haven’t read up on DeFries “Things Girls Do After Graduation series on PGP, you are missing out on the best thing Grandex has ever published.
10 years ago at 3:21 pmForums for Ants!?!?
10 years ago at 3:38 pmPenn State is better off without these tools…
10 years ago at 12:13 pmSounds like someone gets shit on in intramurals
10 years ago at 8:43 pmNice house though
10 years ago at 12:16 pmAwesome job bring honor super omnia to an all time low. Good riddance, scum.
10 years ago at 12:32 pmjust deserts
10 years ago at 12:33 pmJust deserts? Like just the Mojave or just the Sahara?
10 years ago at 1:13 pm“Deserts” is the plural of “desert,” meaning “That which one deserves.” It is somewhat archaic, but the correct spelling. You obviously thought it should be “desserts,” which makes you an illiterate inbred goober.
10 years ago at 4:37 pmDictionary burns. Classic
10 years ago at 8:44 pmNothing like some censored comment boards, that’s a good old classic
10 years ago at 12:51 pmSo where are these pics
10 years ago at 1:14 pmSo i wasnt alone thinking about that
10 years ago at 2:41 pmPics or it didn’t happen
10 years ago at 8:45 pmGood riddance to bad rubbish, but come on Penn State…. Are we really going to group making pledges run errands in as misconduct in the same vein as sexual harassment?
10 years ago at 1:35 pmI thought the same thing, cleaning the house shouldn’t be grouped there too.
10 years ago at 2:20 pmThey should only be suspended if the girls weighed over 200 pounds
10 years ago at 2:21 pm