Caitlyn Jenner Allegedly Selected For Arthur Ashe Award Over A Disabled Iraq Veteran

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The ESPYs are terrible. It is a nauseating pat-me-on-the-back-for-my-diving-catch award show where celebrities and athletes meet for one long night of #sponsored, #branding entertainment in Los Angeles. That being said, the ESPYs usually do one thing right: The Arthur Ashe Courage Award.

Previous winners include Muhammad Ali, Stuart Scott, Jim Valvano, Robin Roberts, Nelson Mandela and Michael Sam. Scott, who gave an inspiring speech at last year’s ESPY awards, died of cancer in January.

So, when ESPN announced on Monday that Caitlyn Jenner would be selected as the Arthur Ashe Courage Award, it deservedly turned some heads, especially when people learned who Jenner beat out for the award.

Noah Galloway, who lost an arm and a leg in roadside bomb in Iraq and now competes in Crossfit events nationwide, is rumored to have been the selection before Jenner was hand-picked by ESPN’s ratings-driven executives.

Other names mentioned for the award include TNT court-side reporter Craig Sager, who is currently battling leukemia, former Bills quarterback Jim Kelly, a cancer survivor, and Lauren Hill, the Division III basketball player with a terminal brain tumor who played in one game in November before passing away in April.

It appears ESPN went for a ratings grab with reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner, and that’s a real shame. While she no doubt has courage and is the celebrity face of the under-represented transgender community, her achievements don’t hold a candle to those of Noah Galloway and Lauren Hill.

The ESPYs will have at least one less viewer this year.

Image via Twitter

    1. DirtyMike312

      Its funny how not too long ago it was controversial to rap about smoking weed and hating the police. Nowadays those things are normal and simply being a male on a subway is illegal. Then I see this article and it makes me think, “maybe I should get a sex change.”

      10 years ago at 5:34 pm
    2. JohnCCalhoun

      Conservative Point of View: Jenner should be able to do what the fuck he wants, but respect my right to not acknowledge that he is truly a woman. Liberal Point of View: OMG yay, what a hero, and everyone who doesn’t agree is a bigot<< And that's why I hate liberals. I don't give a shit that Jenner cut his dick off and became a woman as that is his right. On the flip side, I don't give three shits what worldview liberals are trying to push on this country, I will never accept modern day gender theory bullshit.

      10 years ago at 9:47 pm
      1. Louisfeldhaus

        I agree that she is getting way too much attention for something people do every day in America, but your point of “not accepting” her as a woman is the equivalent to refusing to call someone they’re new name when they legally change their name. It’s not something you can refuse, same with sexuality. I’m 100% conservative and I believe that veteran was the true hero, but you can’t refuse someone’s own choices.

        10 years ago at 11:18 pm
      2. Louisfeldhaus

        Down vote me I don’t give a fuck, just don’t think it’s “frat” to bash people for doing what they want to do. Again, still disagree she shouldn’t even be considered for this award or be getting all this attention.

        10 years ago at 11:34 pm
      3. Fratasaurus

        Don’t we bash people all the time for acting like idiots and goobers? Don’t we bash terrorists for blowing up people for something they believe in? Don’t we bash PETA or polygamists? Just because someone does something they WANT to do does not mean that it is a RIGHT. There is a big difference, and making every single thing a right is how a functional republic turns into an anarchistic demagoguery. The only reason you think that its wrong is because you have been too susceptible to the mainstream media and liberals who try to force their views. Its the same reason 1 decade ago almost 90% of Americans were opposed to homosexuality but now all of a sudden it is a right and refusing to accept it makes you public enemy #1.

        10 years ago at 6:24 am
      4. BillyQuantrill

        The moment someone is entitled to my acceptance is the moment I am no longer entitled to my own values and beliefs.

        And just so we’re clear, no, Bruce Jenner’s quest for acceptance does not trump my belief that his choice is 50 shades of fucking weird.

        Thanks in advance for being so accepting of my opinion… asshole.

        10 years ago at 11:50 pm
      5. JohnCCalhoun

        Changing of a name: An arbitrary title of a person that is of no social or societal importance, and you compare that to forcing society to accept someone’s “new” gender that requires bodily mutilation? Can’t say I follow you champ. This is a challenge to all that is normal and moral. Transsexualism is moral bankruptcy no matter what gender theory 101 taught you.

        10 years ago at 12:48 am
      6. how_about_a_beer

        If you accept it as a woman, feel free to be the first one to have sex with him/her. Trannies have a right to do whatever they want but I will hold on to not accepting their change. I like to think of it as vetoed or respectfully declined.

        10 years ago at 1:45 am
      7. Pasty

        You cannot change an XY chromosome to an XX chromosome, so quit calling him “she.” I don’t care what this dude does with his dick, he can cut it off and eat it for all I care, but he’s still a dude. That’s just science. A=A.

        10 years ago at 9:22 am
      8. Flightman36

        This Liberal isn’t happy or celebrating this bullshit ….so don’t put all liberals in the same category

        10 years ago at 1:18 am
      9. Fratasaurus

        If we still had the great triumvirate around our country would be in a lot better shape.

        10 years ago at 6:28 am
    3. Gamefrock69

      Some liberals really are just losers trying to make being a loser cool and shame those that better themselves through hardwork and sacrifice. People need to just shut the fuck up and do work Bruce Jenner pretending to be a woman isn’t a victory for losers everywhere it’s a privileged and somewhat respectable dude doing what he wants cause he afforded himself the freedom to do so through having a skill and dedication.

      On that note when did “Privilege” and “Elite” become bad attributes to have and when did “underprivileged”, “unusual” or “persecuted” become desirable things that make everything you do worth more?

      10 years ago at 11:21 pm
    4. Budweiser Soze

      ^^You are a buffoon. I’m all for the freedom to choose what you want to do with your own body, but a name is a name. Call yourself whatever the fuck you want. Strapping some water balloons to your chest, lopping your cock off, and getting an IV full of estrogen sure as hell will not change your gender. You gotta play the game with the chromosomes you’re dealt, kid. He was born with an X and a Y and he’s gonna have em’ till the day he dies.

      10 years ago at 11:43 pm
      1. BigBeerBelly

        I’m sorry but I don’t think anyone should get a sex change, that to me is beyond immoral, but I also understand that some people were born with their wires crosses. However, Jenner just wants the attention, in my opinon

        10 years ago at 1:21 am
      2. Fratzor

        Totally agree on that he/she/it just wants attention. It was born a male for a reason

        10 years ago at 10:06 am
    5. MorganGreen4

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      10 years ago at 3:11 am
    6. han_solo

      Liberal here, and I hate this. Gerry Gallaghan is a fucking hero. I’m not going to discredit Caitlyn Jenner by saying what she did was easy, because changing your gender identity when you’re a public figure like that can’t be easy, but it’s not close to being a double amputee. Fuck the ESPYs.

      10 years ago at 8:05 pm
  1. Frat Albert

    As stupid as ESPN is for this, Galloway was never announced as a runner up. The entire story has been fabricated through social media. So yes, fuck liberals, but also fuck your writing of an article based off Twitter rumors you piece of shit

    10 years ago at 4:42 pm
    1. McFrat

      Irrelevant. The fact that Bruce Jenner was given the award over a hero like Galloway is a disgrace.

      10 years ago at 4:50 pm
  2. Frashton_Kutcher

    The response to this gives me some hope, that eventually things will get back on track.

    10 years ago at 4:45 pm
  3. Dick_Nixon

    Fuck the Espys. This glorification of some dude who got a sex change is getting out of hand. How the hell is that showing courage?

    10 years ago at 4:47 pm
    1. Ted Striker

      Its all about “female empowerment” or whatever the fuck it is they’re pushing these days

      10 years ago at 5:41 pm
    2. Tuco_1855

      It shows some courage to surgically change the plumbing downstairs, but the real courage in going from man to women is getting half of your brain removed.

      10 years ago at 5:59 pm
      1. The_SP_Nanny

        It’s not that I can’t understand what you’re saying. You’re just all over the place.

        10 years ago at 6:14 pm
    1. Fratasaurus

      You’re not, and that’s why they’re forcing him/it down our throats until the majority of the population is inspired, or atleast supportive.

      10 years ago at 5:02 pm
    1. Strong F. Kennedy

      As long as he/she has a dick it’s a fucking mani dont care what anybody else says including the lgbtqjsksbrkshabe+ community

      10 years ago at 5:30 pm
      1. FBR

        Until they show me a blood sample of him with two X chromosomes instead of XY that’s when I’ll stop referring to him as a guy. I can put on a dinosaur outfit and roar like a dinosaur all I want, that doesn’t make me a dinosaur.

        10 years ago at 6:14 pm
      2. BI_Legend

        Gender and sex are two different things. Sex is what you are born as, gender is what your head tells you you are. For most people those two things agree. So you are correct that his sex is male, but that doesn’t necessarily make him a man. The more ya know…

        10 years ago at 9:16 pm
      3. FBR

        Gender identification is based upon sexual orientation….. I will say this though it takes some courage to knowingly get your tallywacker lopped off. But then again this is just a grab for attention aimed at simple minded progressionists.

        10 years ago at 9:49 pm
      4. BI_Legend

        That’s not true either. Sex, gender, and sexual orientation are all independent of one another. In the majority of people they agree, which is why it’s so difficult for people to wrap their heads around the whole idea

        10 years ago at 10:01 pm
      5. Jonny Plant His Seed

        Am I missin’ something here? Last time I checked, sex and gender meant the same damn thing. Only thing here that’s hard to wrap my head around’s your lack of common sense.

        10 years ago at 11:32 pm
      6. JohnCCalhoun

        These are gender theory talking points which are 100% arbitrary and involves no actual science. Liberal scholars may teach this but that doesn’t make it a fact. There’s man and there’s woman. End of story.

        10 years ago at 12:55 am
  4. LeoDefratio

    How one can deem having a sex change is equatable to sacrificing your body in service of your country is beyond me.

    10 years ago at 4:51 pm
    1. Obamas a Geed

      Not saying I agree with the decision, but I imagine they weren’t just considering him some guy who got a sex change. A lot like the Michael Sam case, this is one where one of America’s best athletes broke a barrier for a popular social cause.

      10 years ago at 8:06 pm
      1. HouseofFrats

        Yeah I don’t really get the whole tranny thing myself, but I see how it’s technically courageous

        10 years ago at 8:11 pm
      2. HouseofFrats

        Look I get it TFM is a frat site and shit and we’re not exactly the most accepting people but I understand where they’re coming from. There are a lot of former vets who do courageous things in sports, just like Galloway, and it should generally go to them. But if you guys really want it to be all the time, then rename appropriately so it always goes to vets.
        In this case, I don’t know stats but a lot of those kids kill themselves over that shit, so I guess a big celebrity coming out about it helps show people they’re not so bad. It’s kinda like the Civil Rights Movement of the 60s and having someone like Jackie Robinson break that barrier in the MLB. Wouldn’t you guys call Jackie courageous? One of my profs was talking to me about how Bruce Jenner was at one point the best athlete on the planet, so yeah I get how it’s important. And go ahead, lap me all you want pussies, I got chicken legs anyways, I could use the run

        10 years ago at 9:42 am
    2. Kurt

      Jenner cutting his dick off was something he willingly did for his own benefit, not the benefit of others. It actually ended up making him more popular, so it really doesn’t make him courageous at all.

      10 years ago at 10:08 pm
  5. TheWallStreet Intern

    So a cancer victim trying to raise money for research and a true American hero don’t get the award, but a she-man kardashian does ? Good work ESPN

    10 years ago at 4:53 pm
    1. Gamefrock69

      Yeah I’d say we should all boycott watching it this year but let’s be honest I wasn’t gonna watch that foul loser shit anyway

      10 years ago at 11:17 pm