VIDEO: GoPro Wearing ISIS Member Takes A Bullet To The Dome

VIDEO- GoPro Wearing ISIS Member Takes A Bullet To The Dome

What you’re about to watch is a member of ISIS capturing war footage of an Iraqi Army assault on their position. Presumably thinking that everything indeed looks cooler on a GoPro, he strapped one to his head and hit the battle scene. The Iraqi Army carried out an onslaught and took this guy down. While it wasn’t America taking him down, it’s always a win when one more terrorist drops. Props, Iraqi Army.

Warning: It’s not gory or anything, but someone does die. Could be unsettling for some.

Boom. Headshot.

This is the moment when you look up and meet your maker:


Later, loser.

h/t Funker530

  1. NYUFratter

    Fuck ISIS but also fuck interracial terrorism that occurs in our own country. The America I love is better than that.

    10 years ago at 10:20 am
    1. House of Tards

      Let’s agree that all hate crimes are despicable. Brown on white, white on black (Dylan Roof), black on white, brown on brown.

      10 years ago at 11:20 pm
    2. The Boz

      There is no INTERRACIAL terrorism.. Just random acts of violence from crazy fucks.

      10 years ago at 4:45 pm
  2. Jerry Aldini

    Skip to the last ten seconds unless you want to see an untrained towel head shoot randomly for two minutes.

    10 years ago at 10:22 am
    1. christomega4.0

      So proud of brave iraqis fighting for their freedom. Ignorant american thugs forcing their lady boy values on good honest muslims. #veteransaregay

      10 years ago at 5:36 pm
    1. Kav

      It sure looked like some terribly edited propaganda video by the sound of the music and crappy slow-mo replay of him getting a kill. I’m not exactly sure how it’s supposed to be effective either, when the overall message of it is clearly “Join ISIS: We don’t know how to operate our weapons, have the ability to find proper cover with the skill of a 10-year-old playing paintball for the first time, and don’t even need to fight the West to know our inferiority as an army.”

      10 years ago at 12:14 pm
      1. Kav

        That, too. So, it actually turns out that this really is a propaganda video. There’s a 35-minute-long ISIS documentary this is taken from, and I guess they added this footage to show that they fight and die for the cause or some stupid, illogical shit that only makes sense to these clowns. The video is just a bunch of boring Arabic, but if you skip to the end, it shows this dude’s corpse with his brains splattered next to him and shows that his buddy who threw that grenade and hid in the trees died as well. Good riddance to both.

        10 years ago at 3:42 pm
  3. Thetrashness

    Hating America while wearing an American made camera, that then proceeds to record your death…

    10 years ago at 10:28 am
    1. bignasty

      So that many Americans can watch and enjoy said recording from the comfort of their homes

      10 years ago at 1:44 pm
    2. Obamas a Geed

      I’m a bit confused why they then uploaded the video of their guys getting killed, but I guess the towels are wrapped too tightly for rational thoughts.

      10 years ago at 7:57 pm
      1. RisingFratstarOfTX

        Maybe the Iraqi forces won the firefight, found the little dipshit, and thought, “Guys, let’s post shit shit as a secondary ‘Fuck you'”

        10 years ago at 8:40 am