Fitting every characteristic of a dad except for actually having a kid. TFM.

  1. TheWolfOfGettysburg

    These posts are comparable to the chicks in pornos that make the same sound over and over again throughout the video.

    10 years ago at 10:16 am
  2. For_The _Story

    Oh, so you are just missing literally the one attribute that defines being a dad?

    10 years ago at 10:39 am
    1. Harry St. John Frat

      Pretty sure you don’t have to be married to have a kid, come on guy.

      10 years ago at 2:13 am
  3. San Cristoba1

    When did entering your mid-life crisis while being out of shape, balding, and in an unromantic marriage become a TFM?

    10 years ago at 3:57 pm