Top TFMs of the Day

We’ll be pulling the newest TFMs from The Wall each day, and randomly including some of our all-time favorites, for this new feature. Download the iOS app and submit your own Total Frat Move.

1. Not recalling all the events of “a pretty low-key night.” #TFM

2. Drunk in the streets, disappointing in the sheets. #TFM

3. Being just drunk enough to drive, but way too drunk to putt. #TFM

4. Mid-afternoon “you up?” texts. #TFM

5. Only wearing cargos when they are camouflage and government issued. #TFM

6. Fitting every characteristic of a dad except for actually having a kid. #TFM

7. Referring to the bar you were recently banned from as your “old stomping grounds.” #TFM

8. Responding with “he’s just working through some stuff” when asked about the guy passed out on the front lawn. #TFM

9. Filibustering when asked where the relationship is going. #TFM

10. 1/3 of the United States House of Representatives; 76% of the U.S. Senate; 85% of Supreme Court Justices since 1910; all but 2 U.S. Presidents since 1825; 85% of Fortune 500 key executives and all of the Apollo 11 Astronauts belong to fraternities or sororities. #TFM

Download the iOS app and submit your own TFM

  1. texasbabe

    Drunk driving is NF… had a friend die cuz he thought he was fine. So no intern, that should never be in the top ten.

    10 years ago at 5:51 pm
    1. Merica TFTC

      Hes talking about a fucking golf cart guy. But yes, regular drunk driving is horrible.

      10 years ago at 6:27 pm
  2. GirthBrooks

    Wanna know what’s 1000000000000 times better than these articles? The forums.

    10 years ago at 6:11 pm
  3. Mrk920

    This is sad that I had to use this as a chaser for that piece of shit GDI article from earlier

    10 years ago at 11:02 pm
  4. Cap120

    The last one had me jaw dropped. Most people assume fraternities are full of low life’s,… Yet they would never take the time to realize that fact

    10 years ago at 11:04 pm
  5. Drunk Patty Kane

    Thank God for “Top TFMs of the Day” …. or how else would I be able to catch the 4 posts that were published today

    10 years ago at 8:33 am