Instagram Babe Of The Day: Taylor From University of Western Ontario

Meet Taylor, from University of Western Ontario.

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

A photo posted by Taylor Horan (@taylgurl) on

    1. ThirdWaveFemBabe

      Sexist AND racist! Imperialist mindsets such as yours perpetuate the existence the patriarchy!!!

      10 years ago at 10:19 am
      1. ThirdWaveFemBabe

        I’m a cis-gendered pansexual woman yes.

        And the red pill is a lie-intended for misogynists who cant get laid.

        10 years ago at 1:13 pm
      2. ThirdWaveFemBabe

        are you saying you have no life?

        Either way, my life IS to fight for feminism wherever there’s any opposition left.

        10 years ago at 8:58 pm
      3. ThirdWaveFemBabe

        Why? Have you ever been there? The racism is atrocious-they’re not even afraid to exhibit their hatred for African asylum seekers in plain sight!!!
        And a french man’s sleaze can put 50 drunk frat lords to shame.
        France is feminist hell!

        10 years ago at 12:54 pm
      4. Sorry I think you are confused and delusional. Put down the peace pipe. Since when are women a race? And what does feminism have to do with race apart from women of color? Pretty sure women of color have pretty bad in the U.S. As well. But if you are as bright as you think you are, you’d know the Napoleonic Code of France pioneered women’s rights. So go over there and learn something. Before you wage a campaign with pseudo intellect that does more damage than good.

        10 years ago at 12:59 pm
      5. ThirdWaveFemBabe

        I’m an intersectional feminist!!! I prioritize the issues of POC and fight against the white man’s oppressive tyranny. White feminism is too privileged and just plain useless!Women of color don’t have it worse in the USA if you compare it to France- the French make no effort to even disguise their bigotry!They’re open about it- it’s truly outrageous that you can’t sense the same fear in them that you would in an american in the event of racist accusations!Its like they don’t even think bigotry is evil!!! America needs to send envoys over there to teach the french about embracing diversity!!!!It doesn’t matter if the french played a part in pioneering women’s liberation! The first charter of human rights was written by Persians and no one would say Iran/Iraq is an enlightened place-although you cant blame them,the white man’s been oppressing them and their beliefs,so that’s understandable.

        10 years ago at 1:08 pm
      6. RedPill

        If we give you $10,000,000, a beautiful home, a hunky faithful husband, and a country club membership will you stop being so angry and going to protests?

        10 years ago at 1:14 pm
      7. ThirdWaveFemBabe


        (where’re you even gonna get that much anyway?)

        10 years ago at 1:20 pm
      8. RedPill

        Trying to buy you off. If you want to work we can give a cushy job as a Board Member of a Fortune 500 company and give you a tenured position at the University of your choice. And to sweeten the pot, if you ‘forget’ to pay taxes, nothing will happen over it. Deal?

        10 years ago at 1:53 pm
      9. RedPill

        We will give you your own Reality show and will arrange for you to be the next Bond Girl. We can also arrange for you to accompany Michelle Obama on her next vacation.

        10 years ago at 2:04 pm
      10. ThirdWaveFemBabe

        White males thinking everyone’s as greedy and power-hungry and just outright evil as them…yeah right.

        10 years ago at 2:14 pm
      11. RedPill

        We will also appoint you Equality Czar for life with enforcement authority. You can determine if any individual, group, or corporation had acted in an unfair way. If they have you determine the punishment-from a fine up to the death penalty. Your decisions will be final and not subject to appeal.

        10 years ago at 7:28 pm
      12. ThirdWaveFemBabe

        Sweetheart you sound like a very broken man i must say.Did anyone hurt you? I sense bitterness?

        10 years ago at 7:38 pm
      13. RedPill

        And the icing on the cake…..Kim kardashian will Follow YOU on twitter and Instagram!!!!
        (You don’t want equality or justice. You want wealth, power, and attention but are not physically attractive or popular enough to attain it so you use the social justice angle).

        10 years ago at 8:59 pm
      14. ThirdWaveFemBabe

        true true!what can i say?Scheming is what us women do

        but seriously though, who hurt you baby? What did she do to you?

        10 years ago at 9:05 pm
      15. 1. You are talking about a religion, not actual municipal law.
        2. Maybe you should focus on one issue at a time. You dumbass social justice warriors want to fight everything and end up failing at everything.
        3. If you think it’s so bad over there go be one of the envoys and make yourself useful.
        4. When your agenda starts to piss more people off than it sways, perhaps it’s time to go back to the drawing board and find a better approach.
        5. I have no idea what you are rambling about so refer to number 4.

        10 years ago at 5:11 pm
      16. ThirdWaveFemBabe

        You feel that way because you’ve been cheated by the system! under feminism men would be able to take a break from toxic masculinity and gain the freedom to show their true emotions! Think about it!Feminism is beneficial for men!

        10 years ago at 12:59 pm
      17. kocaine

        Thirdwave you are pretty fucking retarded. I hate people who claim to be pansexual. You’re saying you fuck trannies (if not, why not just say bi). In regards to social inequality in France, racism towards colored individuals is not nearly at the forefront as antimuslim sentiment. Pick up a fucking newspaper if you want to be regarded as intelligent. I have family in france, who are fluent in 3+ languages and are well travelled. And I know several students who studied abroad there and enjoyed. It’s not under Nazi rule anymore. Lay off the whip its.

        10 years ago at 1:37 pm
      18. ThirdWaveFemBabe

        You’re too closed-minded to embrace pan-sexual individuals. Leave it at that; there’s no need to display your hatred for all to see.

        And secondly, I’ve stayed in France,i don’t need your opinion! Rife Islamaphobia is at the forefront, but the french won’t hide their dislike for anything non-caucasian! Their national front(ex-nazi party) holds almost 30% of the overall vote! America needs to stop their rising bigotry! And for the record,i’m informed enough…If you were half as informed as I am,you’d know the whole of europe is planning on raising the blockade againt african/arab asylum seekers! Its an outrage! You know nothing- you’re blinded by privilege.

        10 years ago at 1:55 pm
      19. kocaine

        Listen bipolar, hooking up with your cousin and blowing women with dicks is how you get disease. And there is no way you lived in europe, 90% of the population regards muslim immigrants as animals with no capacity to obey laws. They are fucking terrorists. You at first thought it was blacks and now are changing your stance to African/ Arab (these Arabs happen to migrate from Africa, you can simply write African Arabs). Also I dont care enough about French goverment, but there are psycho political parties in every country, calm your boner. Dumb and ugly on a woman must be lonely besides your fellow overeater girlfriends.

        10 years ago at 4:04 pm
      20. DogerRorn

        Can we please stop arguing with this thing already? Ignore it and maybe it will go away. Clearly it is only here for the attention.

        10 years ago at 4:38 pm
      21. ThirdWaveFemBabe

        oh baby you’re just saying that! I could so easily fix it if if i saw you in person *if you know what i mean*

        10 years ago at 6:56 pm
  1. ThursdayNightClub

    Stupid fuckin’ intern – this young hottie would have been a wonderful way to start the week instead of being somewhat ‘wasted’ on Sunday – get you act together …

    10 years ago at 9:45 am
    1. Girth__Brooks

      It’s one of the only things that’s gonna get posted today. Which means it’s gonna get that much more traffic. So shut the fuck up.

      10 years ago at 10:22 am
  2. Gun_Slinger

    I would easily he over the annoying Canadian accent if she let penetrate the pooper.

    10 years ago at 10:37 am
  3. Loess Hills Panther

    She’s hot, but she’s from canada which isn’t even a real place. What is tomorrows babe gonna be from narnia?

    10 years ago at 11:40 am