Instagram Babe Of The Day: Kylie From University Of Arizona

If you are a girl that wants to be our featured Instagram Babe Of The Day, email your name, Instagram account (set to public), and school to (not .com).

Meet Kylie, a Gamma Phi Beta from the University of Arizona.

Love Arizona summers… Not

A photo posted by kylie orlando † (@kylieorlando) on

    1. Jesus is TFTC

      Should read:
      If you are a sorority girl that wants to be our featured Instagram Babe Of The Day, email your name, Instagram account (set to public), and school to (not .com).

      9 years ago at 4:18 pm
  1. Haywood Jablomee

    This is what IBOTD is all about. Real sorority women in every single picture.

    9 years ago at 10:38 am
  2. USArmy

    Tomorrow is America’s 239th birthday. The patriotism shown on TFM is unparalleled anywhere else. This is a community of great Americans. While we don’t always share the same beliefs, we share a common love for these United States. I don’t know a better bunch of men. I hope you all stay safe this weekend. Don’t be an idiot and drink and drive. God bless you, God bless our troops, and God bless the United States of America.

    9 years ago at 1:39 pm