The Hot Girlfriend Of ASU QB Michael Bercovici Is A Dancer Who Also Isn’t Bad At Catching Footballs

The Hot Girlfriend Of Arizona State's Starting QB Is A Dancer Who Also Isn't Bad At Catching Footballs

Some of those out in the cheap seats might shout that stuff like this isn’t newsworthy, but I beg to differ. Hot girls are always something the crowd wants to see. What makes this girl more newsworthy than the most is that she’s pretty good at catching balls from her boyfriend and starting QB for Arizona State, Michael Bercovici.

Michael was looking to get some throwing practice in yesterday. Instead of getting one of his receivers to run some routes for him (because who gives a fuck about timing and developing relationships with your WRs), he got his smoking hot girlfriend to run routes for him.

The first thing that I noticed were her hands. They are like glue. She may not be the most polished route runner, but she can bring down the ball. Think of her like a Kevin White or Sammie Coates. She won’t run the sharpest routes on the intramural field, but she’s going to come down with the ball.

Oh yeah, did I mention she’s a total babe too? AND a dancer for ASU? The total package. Let’s go to the film to check her out:

Come back forever already!! 🌿🌼🌵

A photo posted by Jaylee Merrill (@jaylee_merrill) on

Well done, Michael. You’ve got yourself a winner right here.

Image via Instagram

    1. Drapers_Mark

      No homo, dude’s actually pretty good looking.

      You can’t just say “punchable face” about any face that’s not yours (though I’m sure yours is). A punchable face has a certain indefinable quality to it. You know it when you see it.

      9 years ago at 12:16 pm
  1. HawaiianShirtFridays

    You know who doesn’t have a hot girlfriend? Helmet Stickers, because he’s a piece of shit.

    9 years ago at 10:32 am
    1. BiggestFanOfSteveHolt

      Dude GTFO. YOu’re just jealous because you don’t write for the best website in the world. After freshman year next year, I hope i can get an internship so I can chill with my idol Steve.

      9 years ago at 11:10 am
    1. FrattyWill

      Knew someone was going to make this comment before I even clicked on the article.

      9 years ago at 10:58 am
  2. ZeroPointZero

    Don’t expect her to be much of a wide receiver. Definitely a tight end though.

    9 years ago at 11:09 am