Mark Cuban Spits Some Truth About The Republican Party

Mark Cuban Nails What's Wrong With The Republican Party, And He's Got My Vote For President

I’ll be honest here. I will be voting Republican in the 2016 election. I side firmly on the right when it comes to fiscal policies. I have been since I knew what money was, and I will be until the day I die. It’s the smart thing to do. Most social issues don’t really impact me, so I could not care less. Just don’t regulate my guns. So, I vote for the party that my money would vote for.

Just like you and me, Mark Cuban wants to be a Republican, too. However, he knows that there is one thing that will keep the GOP from winning the presidential election every time. On Tuesday, he took to Cyberdust to explain just exactly what is wrong with our party.

From The Dallas Morning News:

I am so ready for the Mavs season to start. Until then the sport of the day is politics. Today’s game is trashing the Republican Party

I would prefer to be a Republican. I want smaller government. I want smarter government. Just like most Republicans

Put aside that I disagree with Republicans on most social issues. The Republicans have a much bigger problem that will crush them in every Presidential election until this changes.

The Republican Party requires that all their Presidential candidates Conform to Consensus.

If you don’t agree with every platform of the party not only are you called a RINO, a “Republican in Name Only. You are considered unelectable in primaries and become a source of scorn on Fox News

That’s a problem.

Leaders don’t conform to the consensus. They create consensus to their vision and goals.

Leaders don’t change their positions mid debate. They welcome scorn from the masses because it creates the opportunity for dialogue.

Leaders don’t look backwards to condemn what has already been done, they look forward to create a better future.

Leaders are not dogmatic. They are principled and know that change is never easy, but when it’s necessary, they must lead.

The Republican Party does everything possible to discourage leadership.

They want dogma.

They want conformity.

They want to conserve their romanticized past.

That’s a shame. I wish they wanted to conserve the best of what America is today and find a leader that can take us to new places that make our future better.

I realize that’s not the way politics work in this day and age. And that just proves the point.

And btw, I know a lot of the same can be said about the democrats, but I don’t want to be a democrat.

Until things change, I’ll sit in the middle and think for myself. Unlike the Republicans

Absolutely nailed it. Well said, Mark. Cubes for President 2016.

[via The Dallas Morning News]

Image via YouTube

    1. Marco Rubio 2016

      A Cuban is running, and his name is Marco Rubio. You should look into him

      9 years ago at 12:27 pm
      1. Bluto_Brotarsky

        I mean, yeah, I like Cruz, but he’s completely untested and he has screwed up before. He’s up there, but I’d rather have Walker because he actually took a fucking stand and won on conservative values in a blue state with rampant corruption three times. Cruz is too much of an unknown.

        9 years ago at 12:44 pm
      2. 3 Nazis walk into a B.A.R

        Cruz is easily the most consistently conservative candidate at the moment. At the debate he gave actual substantive answers unlike any of the other candidates. Walker did good and gave the right answers but he was pretty much just another candidate in my opinion. He never really had any big moments and he never really spoke with passion. He also looked pretty nervous. If he keeps receding I would be willing to bet that Ted Cruz will win favoritism over him.

        9 years ago at 9:14 pm
      3. Jim_Webb_2016

        Cruz is a god damn lunatic. He will never beat even the weakest democrat. He will bring out every moderate and liberal to the poles. Again, the GOP needs to stop running crazies.

        9 years ago at 9:39 pm
  1. House Meathead

    He is right, just look at how unfairly Donald Trump was treated by Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace in the first GOP debate. I’m not even a Trump supporter, but the Kelly and Wallace’s bias against him was very clear.

    9 years ago at 11:46 am
    1. FratPoppa

      I can’t help it. Granted, its a presidential debate and there should be no outward bias by the media in that context or otherwise, but there is, and a large part of the reason for it here is that Donald Trump is a fucking buffoon. Sure, it may be refreshing to see some fly by night asshat “candidate” “tell it like it is” and get some chuckles along the way, but if you actually want a guy like Trump as the president of your country – you need to take a few deep breaths and seriously honest to God begin to evaluate your life and how you got to this point. It’s not that even that the guy is worthless or a dearth of useful ideas (he kind of is), but he is fucking CLASSLESS. You don’t want the leader of your country to have zero class. Christ on a stick, please listen to me.

      9 years ago at 1:36 pm
      1. John_F_Frat

        What this country needs is a LEADER, and the WHOLE FIELD of candidates are soft spoken women or overzealous uber small government unless its to kill the terrorists and put in place my super Christian values that take rights away from people. Trump atleast says what he means its refreshing and that’s why hes leading the polls cause for the first time in decades people see a strong will. I like it ill take him over Hillary, and I have more liberal leanings.

        9 years ago at 6:05 am
    2. FratPoppa

      I note that you are not a “Trump supporter”, but I know there are many who are who visit this site.

      9 years ago at 1:39 pm
    3. JustIn2015

      He wasn’t treated unfairly. If he doesn’t want to be asked about past comments he shouldn’t have said them. He’s a buffoon and the greatest gift that ever could have been given to the Democrat Party.

      9 years ago at 10:44 am
  2. SimplySouthern94

    I think what Cuban missed when explaining his viewpoint is that the common people love extremes, especially with social issues. It just so happens more people these days agree with the extreme views of the left on most social issues. So I think it’s tough to give the candidates shit when they have to walk a fine line between what their own beliefs are and what the people want to hear in order to gain their support on their way to The White House. Either way it just goes to show how fucked up the people have turned our political system in to.

    9 years ago at 11:49 am
    1. inhocFaF

      Most people do not like extremes. That’s why there are swing states, states that can go either way with any given election. Most of the United States falls in the undecided/independent aspect of politics. They have some liberal views, and some conservative views. The kicker is making them decide which view is more of a priority to them and aligning that to your own views.

      9 years ago at 1:17 pm
  3. Sir Fratinald

    He points out why a lot of people are libertarians, so maybe #RandCuban2020 ???

    9 years ago at 11:49 am
    1. PiKappFromPa

      Don’t take national defense seriously enough. And I mean that on a military spending level.

      9 years ago at 12:26 pm
      1. ZeteNJ

        The only people whose pro-war opinions I value are those who’ve manned up and fought. If you have, my apologies and thank you. If not, enlist or shut up.

        9 years ago at 2:04 pm
      2. Bush Light

        Sorry but not all of us have it in our life plans to enlist in the military and not all of us are pussies because of it. I guess on that parallel I have no dog in the welfare fight either because I don’t live off of welfare.

        9 years ago at 2:31 pm
      3. ZeteNJ

        Actually you have a huge dog in the welfare fight if you pay taxes.

        On the other point, I just find it very hard to respect someone willing to send others to fight a war that they won’t fight.

        9 years ago at 6:37 pm
      4. John_F_Frat

        Who said we wont fight in a war? No I don’t want to enlist, its not for me, I decided that when I was 3 weeks out from swearing in. But if there’s a real war bet your ass you’ll see me first in line. But at the moment there’s nothing happening along those lines and I have the opportunity to be a civilian. It doesn’t make me any more or less knowledgeable about foreign policy if I serve or not.

        9 years ago at 5:18 am
      1. John_F_Frat

        Not into your fat slob of a governor become president and us actually becoming the country of Dad bods, broken lap bands, cheese steaks, and diabetes?

        9 years ago at 5:21 am
    2. ReardenSteel

      Let me know when Rand develops a coherent foreign policy, until then I cannot take him seriously as a candidate for presidency.

      9 years ago at 2:11 pm
  4. JakeFromState

    I’m a Republican due to the fact that I’ve learned the value of a dollar. Working at a golf course from 16-20 at minimum wage teaches you a thing or two. The Republican Party could sweep it the day they realize social issues are all that holds them back. Socially things are changing the balls already started down hill and that’s just a fact they must accept. But until then they are shooting themselves in the foot. #Rubio2016

    9 years ago at 12:01 pm
    1. FratPoppa

      “Working at a golf course from 16-20 at minimum wage teaches you a thing or two.”

      That you never want to work for minimum wage ever again?

      9 years ago at 12:56 pm
      1. DasCrow

        If you didn’t get a raise in four years in not too sure what you were doing is considered “work”.

        9 years ago at 1:29 pm
      2. JakeFromState

        16-20 being age. I was taking a solid $7.50 an hour plus those $2 tips for being club bitch.

        9 years ago at 5:09 pm
      3. FratPoppa

        I’ll give you ages 16 and 17, but once you hit 18 and continued to work a cushy golf course job for minimum wage without trying to find something better in terms of pay/experience – you lose me. That is, unless you own a golf course presently.

        9 years ago at 5:32 pm
      4. JakeFromState

        I played golf in college, and didn’t have the finances to pay for a membership. I worked there and got to play/practice for free.

        9 years ago at 6:40 pm
    2. USArmy

      Excellent comment. The Republican party, just like Major League Baseball, are very slow to change. If you think back to the 2012 election, the talking heads at Fox were doing some hardcore shaming of illegal immigrants. Then the polls hit. The very next day, Hannity and others were already changing their tune.

      9 years ago at 1:36 pm
    3. ReardenSteel

      I’m with you on the social issues except abortion and gun rights, nothing wrong with protecting the life (and rights) of a child which cannot protect itself.

      9 years ago at 2:13 pm
      1. JustIn2015

        Are you all about protecting the life and rights of said child after that child is born? You’re probably all about cutting the aid that the mother who is forced to have said child depends on to feed that child. Don’t give me any bullshit about not having sex or using protection. That’s the ideal world but it’s not the real world.

        9 years ago at 8:04 am
    4. TheGuy

      You consider 16-20 minimum wage? Think your numbers are a little off there bud.

      9 years ago at 2:40 pm
    5. John_F_Frat

      You learned the Value of the dollar because you did what most high school kids do? Try Lumping (unloading 20-70lb boxes from tracker trailers for those who don’t know) 40 hours a week for 9.00, or pouring concrete for 8.00 That’s really understanding the value of the dollar, busting your ass working 52 hours a week at 2 jobs to pay off debt. THATS knowing what a dollar means, that’s why I went to college to never work like a dog for scraps ever again.

      9 years ago at 5:49 am
  5. Bluto_Brotarsky

    The problem here is that as fraternity men, we are supposed to value tradition. I would rather hold something dear to me than to throw it away simply for a few votes here and there. Otherwise, people will see through us, and they will simply vote for who gives them more free shit, and that will be the Democrats every single Goddamned time. Show some fucking spine, and we might lose. Cave on every issue for a vote here or there and we 100% will lose.

    9 years ago at 12:28 pm
  6. Buckshow

    As long as Steve Holt isn’t posting about politics, I’m okay with it #blackballSteveHolt

    9 years ago at 12:37 pm