Washington State Student In Critical Condition After Falling Off Fraternity Fire Escape

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It happens numerous times every year, and it gets more and more tragic each time: drunk college students falling off buildings.

From The Seattle Times:

A Washington State University student was taken to the hospital in critical condition after falling from the third-story fire escape of a fraternity house Saturday night.

Pullman Police spokesman Cmdr. Chris Tennant said police were called to the Sigma Phi Epsilon house at 610 N.E. Colorado St. just after 10 p.m. and found a 20-year-old man with obvious head injuries who had fallen to the ground.

The student was taken to Pullman Regional Hospital in critical condition, then transported to a hospital in Spokane.

Tennant did not have an update on his condition Monday morning. Police are not releasing the student’s name because there is no criminal investigation, but said he was from Poulsbo.

Tennant said the report did not mention whether the house was holding a party Saturday night, but he said alcohol was involved in the incident.

As somebody who is afraid of heights, I don’t go within two feet of any balcony railing with a drop higher than three stories. That’s sober. If I’m drunk, you couldn’t pay me to go near a balcony. You might think that’s crazy, but if you’d seen my sophomore year roommate jump from our 12th story balcony down to the 11th story balcony to avoid having to talk to the cops that showed up to our front door during a party, you’d be a changed man, too. Heights and alcohol don’t mix.

If you would like to donate to help ease the medical expense burden on the victim’s family, click here.

It is not clear at this time whether the injured student is a member of WSU SigEp or not. Either way, we are praying for a speedy recovery. Stay safe out there, everyone.

[via The Seattle Times]

Image via Facebook

  1. HawaiianShirtFridays

    DeVry, if TFM doesn’t workout for you, you could make a killing doing caveman commercials for GEICO.

    9 years ago at 2:02 pm
  2. BrohanBrohan

    I assume this is not the time nor the place for a “free falling” joke.

    9 years ago at 2:03 pm
  3. Costas_and_koozies

    It’s really irritating because if this hadn’t been a fraternity house there would be no story here. But these wing nut journalists are out searching for a frat shaming story where there isn’t one. Sad really…

    9 years ago at 2:05 pm
    1. Channel4NewsTeam

      It’s a story for WSU because it’s been happening on Greek Row probably 3-4 times a year for about 4 years now.

      9 years ago at 7:00 pm
    1. McBallSmack

      He was a fraternity member in a fraternity house. The “F” in “TFM” stands for “frat” which is short for “fraternity.” Are you putting the pieces together now or should I go father in depth?

      9 years ago at 4:28 pm
  4. FrattyFuck23

    He is a DU at WSU. A brother put out a message on Facebook about keeping him in our prayers. Dikaia Upotheke.

    9 years ago at 2:18 pm
  5. rughead04

    Most any bro could’ve had something similar happen to them. Hope for a easy and speedy recovery.

    9 years ago at 2:26 pm
  6. Drinking_Solution

    Don’t people know… fire escapes are for peeing off of, not jumping off of

    9 years ago at 2:26 pm