Hilarious Tinder Profiles That Actually Exist, Part 8

Tinder can be a scary place.

You don’t hear that too often.
If you don’t get this Bon Iver reference, I don’t fuck with you.
Put yourself out there why don’t ya, Brea.
Dawn begins the day, and Dawn saves the day.
A liiiiittle overboard on the emojis there, lady.

If you’ve come across an absurd Tinder profile or have had a hilarious Tinder interaction, send it to Jared@TotalFratMove.com

Do we think she actually measured her height when she’s on her knees or do we think that’s more of an estimate?
What more could you want, ladies?
I like how they added “get us both naked” onto the end, as if it wasn’t assumed.
Pizza + pentagrams = right swipe
  1. Texas Tux and Oil

    Why did you black out the girls snapchat! Ive got like 3 Amazon gift cards and a half used Olive Garden card and I’m on a dry spell.

    9 years ago at 3:44 pm
  2. VandyConservative

    Pretty surprised that person had a mutual friend with pentagram guy

    9 years ago at 3:51 pm
  3. Audible

    That awkward moment when you recognize Mandy’s picture and realize its one of your Facebook friends.

    9 years ago at 12:43 am