The wall is built at Indiana Delta Chi. TFM.

  1. Dan Regester-edsexoffender

    Calling this a wall is like calling Steveholt a writer, or calling dan in shape, or saying Sydney got her internship because of personal merit, or saying Dorn hangs out at playgrounds for nostalgia sake, or calling hotpiece, well hotpiece, or saying that Catalina coke is a heterosexual male that has never sucked a dick

    9 years ago at 12:32 pm
      1. Hoosier_SNU

        Also this was Skulls house that DChi is leasing. Fuck DChi, a bunch of bottom tier nerds.

        9 years ago at 4:08 pm
  2. Dan Regester-edsexoffender

    Calling this a wall is like calling Steveholt a writer, or calling dan in shape, or saying Sydney got her internship because of personal merit, or saying Dorn hangs out at playgrounds for nostalgia sake, or calling hotpiece, well hotpiece, or saying that Catalina coke is a heterosexual male that has never sucked a dick

    9 years ago at 12:32 pm
    1. SteveHoltOnDrugs

      Calling this a wall is like calling Steveholt a writer, or calling dan in shape, or saying Sydney got her internship because of personal merit, or saying Dorn hangs out at playgrounds for nostalgia sake, or calling hotpiece, well hotpiece, or saying that Catalina coke is a heterosexual male that has never sucked a dick

      9 years ago at 10:05 am
  3. richdaddybowtiefrat

    Even though I detest frats north of the Mason Dixon line for being liberal yankee pussy GDI frats, I respect this move. Frat on, sir!. #SteveBannonApproves #Trump2016

    8 years ago at 4:26 pm