Repping letters from the top of Vegas. TFM.

    1. AlotInsideAmySchumer

      Although this is the truth. The one to the right is a winner. Drown the one in the pool, she’s halfway there.

      9 years ago at 10:56 am
  1. phibuff

    Ahhh the sky villa at the palms! Some dirty things have happened in that hot tub

    9 years ago at 3:40 pm
  2. Steeze

    What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, except for the AIDS I’d let that chick give me

    9 years ago at 6:03 pm
  3. D3Starter

    Looks like the three of you are there as friends and they are going to bang douchey club promotors in that tub while you pout in the corner

    9 years ago at 9:00 pm
  4. Natty Liteweight

    Yeah the girl in the middle is definitely not needed to make this picture happen. She is only bringing the picture down.

    9 years ago at 9:10 pm