Scientists Invent Wristband That Measures Your BAC
Meet the BACtrack Skyn, a new, wearable blood alcohol content monitor designed to measure the levels of Regret Juice flowing through your veins via the sweat on your skin:
From Venturebeat:
Dr. George Koob, head of the NIH’s National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, said he expected the device to be a valuable resource for alcohol research community.
‘It can help doctors accurately measure a patient’s drinking history,’ Koob said. ‘This can help a lot with the treatment.’
I can already see about a million uses for the BACtrack Skyn. They’re more accurate than those shitty Amazon breath testers while still being cheap, so you know you’re going to pass some around and compete to see who can get the closest to the lethal limit. Or slap a little alarm on it to beep at you during the day when your BAC falls dangerously close to sober and it’s time to recharge.
Best of all, like Dr. Koob said, the Skyn’s purpose is to help treat alcohol abuse, so it should automatically be a mandatory addition to your Pledge Education program in order to ensure your pledges are successfully abusing alcohol. You’re going to want to weed out the ones who can’t hold their shit early.
The device should be on the market by next summer..
[via Venturebeat]
Image via BACTrack
This could come in handy… for scientific purposes, of course. What BAC level do girls need to be at for them to start showing their tits?
9 years ago at 9:34 amWhat level of BAC is consent? Asking for a friend….
9 years ago at 9:43 amHopefully this can prevent some drunk drivers
9 years ago at 9:48 amThe level of intoxication for Drunk Driving is hardly the level in which you rampage all over the road and kill people. It’s not going to prevent shit.
9 years ago at 9:50 amI think he meant DUI’s…
9 years ago at 10:31 amYou can actually still get a DUI while under the legal limit if you don’t blow 0.00 and it’s at the discretion of the cops. Usually they say you were being reckless or some stupid shit. Almost happened to my roommate who had 2 beers and is just a bad driver.
9 years ago at 4:25 pmThanks TFM, PGP already covered this yesterday.
9 years ago at 10:14 amThis should be called the Litbit cuz #vapeislife
9 years ago at 11:47 am