Look What These Dumb Baylor Alums Did To Show Support For Their Disgraced, Ousted Ex-President

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If you haven’t been following the Baylor scandal, this story might not be interesting to you. If you have been following, or you have a general base knowledge of the stupid shit Baylor does all the time, then this story will be of interest to you, but it won’t surprise you.

A group of Baylor alums, with zero crisis communication skills, took out a full-page ad to support their ousted, disgraced ex-president Ken Starr in the Austin American-Statesman on Sunday morning and thank him for his years of service to the university. They even created a website, because of course they did.

From For The Win:

At one point, the note thanks Starr for “your exceptional care for students and their well-being.”

Starr stepped down from president and chancellor of the university in the wake of an investigation, commissioned by the school, which found that Baylor failed to sufficiently investigate allegations of sexual assault against students, especially football players.

This blind support comes from a former attorney and judge who, earlier this week, botched an interview so bad it basically cost him the job to which he had been demoted. At least these alums are bold enough to attach their names to a man who has been universally regarded as an “inept” leader.

This would only happen at a tone-deaf school like Baylor, where scandals occur far more often than championships. Remember, this is the same school that’s last athletic scandal included basketball players murdering each other and a basketball coach trying to cover his tracks in the aftermath. You know, typical Waco activities.

If you aren’t familiar with the Big 12, Baylor is essentially the least likable program in the bunch. The continuous avoidable gaffes by Baylor and its supporters are unique to the school, in the sense that no other fanbase and administration is this dumb and disconnected from reality.

I don’t know how good Baylor’s public relations program is, but I would guess it ranks on the low end. These continuous boneheaded mistakes wouldn’t happen at any other school. But, at Baylor, it has become the expected norm.

Congratulations, Bears, and keep finding ways to dig yourselves deeper in this hole. The schadenfreude doesn’t get old.

[via For The Win]

    1. BobMotherFuckingBarker

      At least Joe Paterno showed some remorse in what he did after all the sandusky shit came out. Art Briles, and everyone at Baylor as it seems to me, don’t give a fuck about what they did. If Baylor got the death penalty over this it would be well deserved

      9 years ago at 2:33 pm
    2. iThrowRocksAtFatGirls

      I read the Freeh report for a paper in high school and it’s sad how people think Paterno covered anything up. Paterno reported what Mcqueary told him to the head of PSU police, not sure what more could be done from his end.

      9 years ago at 2:51 pm
      1. BobMotherFuckingBarker

        Paterno got wrongfully crucified by the media. The real blame belongs to the Penn state administration and the State College PD. I could write a book about how fucked Paterno got by the media

        9 years ago at 2:59 pm
      2. 144agemo

        Obviously you only read the cliff notes. Because I did a paper (I was a rising college sophomore at the time) on how Paterno was a failed leader. They dug up emails from/about Paterno in which his cronies said something along the lines of “Joe said not to take it any farther.” The Freeh report was a very thorough investigation and was correct in saying Joe consciously shirked his implied responsibilities as one of the most powerful people in University Park. He was consciously protecting the Penn State brand he spent 40 years building and he consciously put his own brand ahead of the lives of those kids.

        9 years ago at 3:00 pm
      3. 144agemo

        Oh and the “chain of command” argument is bullshit. JoePa was a demigod. He slammed the door on an administration that asked him to retire. He held the keys to the city. His influence was absolute. And the whole “he was 90 years old and didn’t know better” is bullshit too. He was conscious of the crimes the whole time. He completely failed as a leader. He deserves every ounce of criticism he has received, even posthumously.

        9 years ago at 3:06 pm
      4. 144agemo

        I hope this is pissing people off. 30 years of “doing it the right way” don’t mean shit when you facilitate a dangerous pedophile. And when you’re more powerful than the whole administration combined and you don’t personally ensure someone like Sandusky gets put away, you’re guilty of harboring a pedophile. He’ll be rooming in Hell with Curly and Schultz. I have my running shoes on. Lets go for a run, you stupid sheep.

        9 years ago at 3:24 pm
      5. iThrowRocksAtFatGirls

        That’s why he got fired right because he’s more powerful than the whole administration?

        9 years ago at 3:29 pm
      6. iThrowRocksAtFatGirls

        Don’t “say something along the lines of.” Show the full emails. There were only 3 emails in the entire Freeh report that referred to Paterno by his name so please show me the quotes from those emails.

        9 years ago at 3:21 pm
      7. 144agemo

        The first one that comes to mind (even though it’s not the exact one I’m thinking of) was when one of the cult of Joe said (paraphrasing) ‘we met with joe and we’re comfortable with the steps we’ve done, even though this could land us in hot water down the road.’

        9 years ago at 3:34 pm
    3. totramahuj

      I get paid 95 dollar every hour for work at home on my PC. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my lovely girl friend is earning 16k /monthly by doing this job and she showed mee what he do. See here what i do….z02

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      9 years ago at 3:08 am
  1. FatMattsAtBat

    This is Ellen Deaver’s law firm. I don’t feel like tracking down the companies of everyone else, but if you have the time you should. Let their employers know what kind of (at best just plain stupid and at worst full on crime-encouraging) employees they have.

    9 years ago at 2:39 pm
    1. FratStarGoldy

      Complaining about these people to their employers is childish and stupid.

      9 years ago at 2:49 pm
  2. The_Flying_Dutchman

    What a shame. And now we get to listen to awful SJW’s use this as an example of the “rape culture” in the US.

    9 years ago at 2:40 pm
    1. 1_Rugey_Jentelman

      This is just as bad, if not worse, than the act itself. Or that’s what I hear shouted by the politically correct herd.

      9 years ago at 3:58 pm
      1. BetterThanYou101

        Yo dude your so cool. im gonna laugh when hillary and bill clinton stump trump and islamic settlers breed your daughter and enforce sharia in your local trailor park u uneducated prick

        9 years ago at 5:03 pm
      1. Southern Hoss

        You’re not going to like it when I take your sister to FlavorTown you fat fuck

        9 years ago at 5:38 pm
  3. gaborjr

    Holt’s recent string of ok articles is seriously screwing with me, spewing displaced anger onto him made me a slightly more tolerable person

    9 years ago at 2:43 pm
  4. BroChillOut

    Terribly written article. The bias in this article completely demotes your credibility. You know that right?

    9 years ago at 3:51 pm
  5. Drunk Chris Berman

    The Baylor scandal is worse than PSU’s in the fact that Baylor still believes they can save their newfound athletic success with a few self-punishments and putting their heads in the sand

    9 years ago at 7:06 pm
  6. Drunk Chris Berman

    Steve Holt has been dishing articles that aren’t absolute horseshit lately and it’s got me so confused

    9 years ago at 7:07 pm