Who’s The Hottest Game Of Thrones Girl?

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Another season of Game of Thrones has come and gone. Winter is here, and with it comes a long ass wait for new episodes. During that wait, let’s take some time out to appreciate the mamacitas that graced our screens during seasons one through six. After several hours of deep thought and meditation, I put these bad wenches in order from 1-10 in the way that makes the most scientific sense to me. Disagree? Thumbs up or thumbs down, sonny. It’s on you to cast those votes.

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  1. DornsFather94

    I probably won’t even watch the show anymore now that Margaery isn’t in it

    9 years ago at 4:52 pm
    1. Cpt_Kirk24

      Margarey can manipulate my ass all day as long as I’m diving in every night pork stick first

      9 years ago at 5:17 pm
    1. Shut up Meg

      Poor grey worm has that fine piece of ace eating out of his palm which is unfortunately attached to his dickless body.

      9 years ago at 5:07 pm
    1. VandyConservative

      Really just fucking ridiculous. If I was Grey Worm I’d have a drinking problem by now

      9 years ago at 5:10 pm
    2. Ross Bolen

      Having a hard time wrapping my head around why she’s dead last among “Readers’ Choices” on this list.

      9 years ago at 9:20 am
      1. Fraiking

        If you put Talisa above Missandei thats fine with me, in the hopes that y’all will make the same choices at my local bar. Makes it easier or me.

        9 years ago at 12:53 pm
  2. VandyConservative

    I was always a big fan of Ygritte and Missandei. GoT got me into minority women

    9 years ago at 5:09 pm
  3. CerseisTeet

    Get the fuck outta here Daenerys isn’t the hottest. OG best looking one.

    9 years ago at 5:17 pm
  4. CountryClubBadBoy

    Let’s not forget Arya… Just because she has a lesbian cut doesn’t mean I wouldn’t let her sit on my throne

    9 years ago at 5:32 pm
      1. ImHereForTheGangbang

        She’s literally the same age as half the people on this website.

        9 years ago at 9:27 pm
    1. TFMappsucks

      Thank you finally. I couldnt think of her name but I easily thought she was the hottest until she got killed off

      9 years ago at 6:58 am
    2. Ross Bolen

      I’ll give Doreah honorable mention. She was on the list initially and I took her off because I didn’t think enough people would know who she was. That scene where she bones Viserys — good lord.

      9 years ago at 9:22 am