Patriotic Tunes That’ll Have Your American Boner Fully Engorged

The All-American Playlist For The 4th Of July

Before you hit the lake, river, beach, pool, or any other body of water today, you’re going to need a kickass playlist. I’m talking about a playlist that just pumps red, white, and blue out of the speakers. One that is full of the most American songs ever composed. Luckily for you, I put together a nice playlist of 30 of the most American songs I could find and put it into a playlist for you. Tune it in, turn it up, and keep blaring that American sound all day long, fellas.

Happy 4th of July.

  1. vctheking22

    Tune it in, turn it up, and keep it on. Nice, Harrison. Glad to see you’re a P1. #TheTicket

    9 years ago at 9:16 am
  2. sofratyolotfm

    Have you actually ever listened to the lyrics of “Born in the USA?” Not exactly patriotic.

    9 years ago at 10:04 am
    1. RepublicanReedy

      Its not really anti patriotic, just had nothing to do work patriotism really. It’s mostly about the Vietnam War.

      9 years ago at 2:06 pm
      1. GodHatesFigs

        Every year on TFM, Born in the USA gets put on a playlist. And every year, someone says the song is not patriotic or it’s anti-patriotic. You can love your country without loving your government. You can love your country even if you don’t agree with what our military is doing overseas. Loving your country has nothing to do with who’s in office or what happened in the news that week. Loving your country is unwavering, because no matter what happens, the United States of America is still the best damn country on this planet.

        9 years ago at 4:10 pm