Inside TFM, Ep. 24: Jared And The Election Both Have Two Buttholes


Intern Ali joins the guys to talk about the DNC and Jared’s anal health. They also discuss what it means when a fraternity isn’t known for hazing, and take more drunk callers.

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  1. Sausagestroker69

    This liberal bullshit is killing me guys. I knew you were gay writers but come on. #TRUMP2016

    9 years ago at 11:18 am
    1. realDonaldTrump

      Another big endorsement from @Sausagestroker69 !!! Let’s keep this momentum going! Vote Trump. Defeat Roger Dorn.

      9 years ago at 2:22 pm
    1. Rob Fox

      If something happens we will (so almost every time Boosh is on). But also starting next week we’re gonna be having a “story time” segment, where we and guests tell all our fucked up college stories.

      9 years ago at 11:09 pm