Every Inch Counts: Show Your Support For A Great Cause With The “Dicks Out For Harambe” Tee

I hear it all the time. “Harambe memes are dead.” “Why don’t you get over it?” “He was just a stupid gorilla!” No. Never. Harambe memes are alive and thriving. The angrier you get, the stronger my fervor grows. I actually get off on the outrage. So please, spare me the hostilities. I can only get so erect.

Speaking of erections…

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Big ones. Small ones. Swiss ones. It doesn’t matter what your bank account looks like, because these babies are only $25 a piece. And it’s such a good cause.

They say that with each dick whipped out in the name of Harambe (blessed be His name), a poacher hunting endangered silverback gorillas gets erectile dysfunction. It doesn’t matter what you’re packing, either. Harambe doesn’t care. He had a chode. Every inch counts.

So don’t be shy. Put on this shirt and take out your penis.

Raise awareness. Raise your dicks. Harambe bless.

      1. Gun_Slinger

        This might actually be a fund to buy Dan some new bras. When you go up a size it gets expensive.

        8 years ago at 9:55 pm
  1. Butanefratoil

    No one gives a shit about this harambe crap the zoo has asked people to stop and not even high schoolers are buying this shit

    8 years ago at 4:19 pm
  2. DPQLS

    You’re shoving these shirts down our throat like a cock in a BDSM scene, fuck off.

    8 years ago at 4:37 pm
  3. Brobituallybad

    Send these in a big crate to whatever third world country harambe used to live in. Do it for the kids, we don’t want them.

    8 years ago at 8:06 pm
    1. SteveHoltOnDrugs

      Harambe was born in Texas but, yeah, send a crate of those shirts to the Sunnyside area of Houston. Great back-to-school clothes for the young crackheads.

      8 years ago at 3:24 am