Syracuse’s Mens Soccer Team Pulls Off A Seriously Impressive Series Of Headers

It’s tough being a men’s soccer team on college campuses these days. You’re a legitimate and important sport, but you’re simply not getting the love or attention that football, basketball or even baseball get. Instead of packing up their soccer bags and going home, Syracuse’s men’s soccer team created some positive PR recently by pulling off a ridiculous series of headers inside of their locker room. I should mention that Syracuse’s team is also stupid good and ranked no. 6 in the nation currently.

My favorite part of the video is the guys toward the back end of the rally that are still standing because they don’t think there’s a chance in hell it’s going to make it that far. Then, when it does get that far, one of the standing dudes nearly fucks it all up. I believe you call that a “save” in soccer lingo. Am I using that right?

Major props for the guy who sneaks in the running man at the end of the vid too. I see you, bruh. Well done.

Seriously, this takes some major talent — mostly talent in the form of restraining yourself from killing guy no. 20 who nearly shits all over the parade. Now go out there and score some home runs, fellas.

  1. Uptown Frat

    Half the team was disappointed when they found out the “head” challenge in the locker room didn’t involve blowing each other

    9 years ago at 3:26 pm
  2. LyndonBroJohnson

    I stopped reading at “you’re a legitimate and important sport.”

    9 years ago at 9:01 pm
  3. Slade Fratstroke Wilson

    Thy took this from the Colombia national team during the World Cup…and probably many other teams before that..nothing new

    9 years ago at 9:58 am