An Artist Is Pretending To Pass Out On USC Fraternity Lawns For Sexual Assault Awareness

USC Fraternity Lawn

Watch out fraternity gentleman of Southern California: There is a chick entering your house lawns and pretending to be passed out.

An artist who goes by the name of Violet Overn wanted to bring awareness to sexual assault. Her bright idea? Create party scenes and pretend to be passed out in front of fraternity houses that she so cleverly calls “Fraternity Houses.”

This is what they look like:

A photo posted by Violet Overn (@violentoven) on

A photo posted by Violet Overn (@violentoven) on

A photo posted by Violet Overn (@violentoven) on

A photo posted by Violet Overn (@violentoven) on

A photo posted by Violet Overn (@violentoven) on

Huffington Post calls these images “grueling.” I call them terrible, and possibly trespassing (not a big law person, so any future lawyers can fill me in). Fraternities get a bad rap because of people like Violet that think all frat guys sexually assault and that we’re are all bad people. She knows absolutely nothing about the people in the fraternity houses whose lawns she selects to pass out in, but that doesn’t stop her from essentially calling all of them sexual opportunist boozehounds.

Here’s her reasoning for choosing to do this at fraternity houses, via Huffington Post:

The Greek system is a massive, prevalent institution that has to progress and change alongside the rest of society. For example, on most college campuses sorority houses aren’t allowed to host parties or provide alcohol, therefore fraternities have the control of the social gatherings and women can feel pressured or be forced into having sex because of this unspoken ‘trade’ system. I am aware that sexual assault and sexism happen beyond the greek system, but as an artist creating artwork I’m focusing on one part of the larger problem, an institution thats [sic] traditions make it feel above the law and entitled to male power. We have to spark the initiative to provoke change for male dominance and sexual aggression to not be more prevalent within fraternity brothers and male athletes than any other student on campus. My goal is to change the institution as a whole, to have equal rules for both sorority and fraternity members, to have women not feel pressured or be taken advantage of, for women all over college campuses not have to worry about wanting to go to a party or have a drink, to have fun, to socialize, to walk home. We cannot sit back and allow this type of behavior because of social convention or tradition. Someone had to start somewhere and say something.

We’ve had this conversation before, but let’s have it again. There is a reason that sororities don’t hold parties in their own houses, and it’s not because of this supposed “male power” you introduce. Sororities don’t have the parties because they don’t want to have parties. It was their decision. IFC doesn’t look over Panhellenic’s shoulder and say, “Woah woah woah, you can’t allow parties in your houses! We need those girls to come over to our lairs houses!” So we’re actually on your side here, V — let’s let sororities throw parties. Less work for us, and less money out of our pockets.

Secondly, her reasoning for this whole art project is that she was inspired by the Brock Turner situation. Brock Turner, who was not even in a fraternity. Sure, he was at a fraternity party, but so were a ton of other innocent guys and girls who you would never randomly accuse of being sexual assaulters out of nowhere. A little weird to attack the sexual assault problem by picking a small portion of where sexual assaults occur and acting like stopping them there (which obviously we hope happens) is the be-all, end-all solution to the epidemic that is sexual assault.

I’m not even sure this is art, either. When I think of art, I think of Picasso and shit you’d see in a museum, not whatever the hell this is.

[via Huffington Post]

  1. Gun_Slinger

    Look bitch, just cause Hillary’s husband is a rapist, doesn’t mean all men are…

    9 years ago at 1:23 pm
    1. FratinaHat

      And let’s not kid anyone, there’s a large amount of self responsibility if you are a girl to not get blackout drunk to the point you can’t make “the best decisions” or “say no”.

      Not downplaying rape because there are legitimate cases, but most that deal with fraternities (besides PIKE lulz) are just cases of drunken regret sex. That’s just the truth.

      9 years ago at 1:54 pm
      1. VandyConservative

        You think fucking blackout drunk girls is cool bud? What if you were blackout and a chick with a dick buttfucked you? I mean you thought it would be cool when you saw some titties right? Guess that was consent too.

        9 years ago at 2:06 pm
      2. BloodyBunghole

        There’s no such thing as a “chick with a dick”… that’s just a dude with tits.

        9 years ago at 4:14 pm
      3. FratinaHat

        Was afraid your logic would be faulty on this. No one said that and no one said it was consent.

        If you get black out crazy drunk in the middle of the city, then get your ass beat or wake up and realized you were robbed. YOU are STILL partly at fault. Personal responsibility you shit for brains.

        It’s about being fucking aware and being able to PROTECT yourself.
        Don’t be a dumbass and put words in my mouth.

        And yes, most “allegations” turn out to be just that. This is about how fraternities (like Duke) get their lives ruined over false claims. Which happens most of the time.

        9 years ago at 5:45 pm
      4. VandyConservative

        Careful with the words “most allegations”. I agree that people SHOULD be smart and take care of themselves. But even if someone makes bad decisions, they are not even slightly at fault for someone raping them. But suggesting most rape claims are false is disgusting. Just because a few headlines like Rolling Stone and Duke happen doesn’t mean most women are lying. Can you fucking imagine intentionally putting yourself through that hell and scrutiny? Don’t let a couple sociopathic broads fuck up your whole perception. We probably agree on a lot of this, but your callous tone is an issue for me. Ever known someone who was raped? If you can answer yes to that question and not at least second guess your choice of words then fine, live your life. But rape is a horrific act that destroys lives, marriages, families, etc. You appear to be smart enough to know that there is no room for sweeping generalizations and imprecise speech on this issue.

        9 years ago at 6:54 pm
      5. HillFratty

        Taking advantage of blackout drunk or anyone NF! But regret sex, or Ooo you fucked him, reports prompted or made by a friend are far more prevalent than anyone wants to admit. The losers Everyone, the guy, girl, house, and the Greek system.
        The Geeds just want to get rid if us, just read the feed. Don’t give them a reason

        9 years ago at 7:35 am
    2. FrattibalLecter

      Knowing Hillary, she probably coerced bill into get that beej from Lewinsky. Which kinda makes hillary the real rapist

      9 years ago at 2:14 pm
  2. LazyRican

    She should’ve done that on football stadiums and athletic facilities since most rapists in school end up being athletes not greeks

    9 years ago at 1:23 pm
      1. Wasted Wednesday

        But if they admit that, then their goal of removing fraternities from campuses becomes a lot harder. Hard work isn’t something these people are known for.

        9 years ago at 1:25 pm
  3. bar_down

    Did you know that not all white people are racists, and not all black people are thugs? But apparently all fraternity men are rapists. All of em.

    9 years ago at 1:24 pm
  4. The User Formerly Known as Frabst

    I’m going to burn down Grandex to raise awareness for fraternity gentlemen that lack a fail friday in their lives.

    9 years ago at 1:24 pm
      1. Steroid are frat

        When you’re butthole is clogged your body will naturally start to poop out of your mouth

        9 years ago at 1:38 pm
  5. Fratty the Broman

    When she passes out on my lawn, all she is doing is making Enrique’s landscaping much harder. I don’t pay him to move bodies, that’s what pledges are for.

    9 years ago at 1:29 pm
  6. America_the_bootyful

    I’ve never said this before, and I won’t again, but I would genuinely love to see TSM do a take on this “artist”. Sorority girls can do a lot of good for the Greek system right now.

    9 years ago at 1:31 pm