Navy Literally Pulled Their QB Out Of The Stands On Saturday

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“You might as well put in the ball boy.”

“I could do better than this shitshow.”

We’ve all heard our fellow intoxicated fans utter those lines as our beloved team falls apart on the field in front of us. It’s a helpless, depressing experience, but in no way did anyone actually believe that someone not dressed on the field would somehow make their way into the game.

Of all the crazy and unlikely scenarios I’ve watched unfold during the hundreds of football games I’ve watched throughout my life, one I have never witnessed is a major college football team quite literally playing a guy who was sitting his happy ass in the stands at kickoff. It happened Saturday, though.

Navy desperately needed quarterback depth during their game Saturday versus Fordham. After watching starter Tago Smith get hauled off to the locker room with an injury in the first half, and with their third-string serving a suspension, the Naval Academy coaches made the decision to go fetch freshman, fourth-string quarterback Malcolm Perry out of the stands, where he was sitting in his uniform whites with his classmates.

From ABC News:

After Smith was injured, Navy’s coaches decided to get Perry out of the stands. They also had to send someone to get his uniform, which was inside the team’s locker room at the academy.

Navy officials said Perry didn’t dress for the game because he was sick earlier this week, missing practices Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. He returned to practice Thursday and played in the JV game against Louisburg Junior College of North Carolina on Friday.

Perry finished the game with a respectable 30-yards on seven carriers. Not bad for a man who woke up Saturday expecting to kill an afternoon baking in the chairbacks.

If what we saw Saturday across the college football world is a preview of the upcoming season, we’re in for one hell of a ride.

[via ABC News]

Image via YouTube

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      9 years ago at 1:35 pm
  1. TotalFuckHeadMove

    So are we just going to ignore the fact that Bogey literally said “he was sitting in his uniform” and then the ABC news quote said “they also had to send someone to get his uniform, which was inside the teams locker room”. Where the fuck is the consistency with this article? Fucking nuts

    9 years ago at 10:17 am
    1. Green man

      It’s a military school. But you wouldn’t know that because you’ve never left your high school and can’t tour a college till senior year

      9 years ago at 10:20 am
      1. TotalFuckHeadMove

        Thank god your comment actually solved the issue. It’s a military school, which is why bogey said he was in his uniform but then wasn’t. Now it makes sense, now I can be happy with my life.

        9 years ago at 10:24 am
      2. couch69

        Basic concept. He was in his MILITARY UNIFORM in the stands. The team had to go get his FOOTBALL UNIFORM from the locker room.

        9 years ago at 10:28 am
    1. 1845

      Cadets aren’t allowed to drink before going to games in uniform. So this was one of only a few schools where they could find a sober spectator capable of taking over as QB. God bless our armed servicemen and women.

      9 years ago at 8:26 pm