2016 debate drinking game

The Only 2016 Presidential Debate Drinking Game You Need

2016 debate drinking game

Drink whenever:

  • Trump backs his claims with “People are saying.”
  • Anytime Trump tries to connect with African American voters by doing a sassy “Oh no you didn’t” hand gesture.
  • Hillary tries to connect with the youth of America with a year-old pop culture reference.
  • Hillary talks about how she has a vagina.
  • Trump alludes to his dick and/or balls.
  • Trump sarcastically compliments Hillary’s pantsuit.
  • Trump interrupts Hillary with an insult or “to get his point across” by insulting her.
  • Hillary attempts to interrupt Trump but gets strong armed by a “Can I finish?”
  • Trump says the words “great,” “tremendous,” “huge,” or “beautiful” multiple times in the same breath.
  • Trump cartoonishly shrugs or appears to be having an orgasm on stage.
  • Hillary looks dizzy deflecting statements about her emails or Benghazi.
  • Either candidate reassures the public that they’re in perfectly good health.
  • Trump’s past donations to Hillary are acknowledged and then discredited seconds later by Trump.
  • Hillary’s honesty is in question.
  • Chelsea, Ivanka, or Melania are dragged through the mud.
  • Trump drops a “People love me” or remarks about the ratings.
  • Trump goes with his noted speech crutches “If I’m elected president, we will win again,” or “Make America great again,” and Hillary responds with, “America is already great.”
  • Hillary appears to be contemplating having Donald Trump murdered.
  • Mike Pence or Tim Kaine are mentioned and you find yourself asking, “Wait, who the fuck are they?”
  • Trump sounds like your drunk uncle at Thanksgiving dinner.
  • Hillary short circuits and forgets her “how to be a normal human being” programming.

Finish your drink whenever:

  • Bill’s sexual indiscretions get brought into the mix.
  • Trump backs up an argument with legitimate, specific facts and not broad political overtones.
  • Hillary actually lands a joke.
  • Trump reassures people he’s a true Republican.
  • Moderator Lester Holt isn’t ignored when he wants to move on.

Butt chug if:

  • Hillary dabs.
  • Trump gets attacked or assassinated.
  • Hillary starts convulsing on stage and has to be shocked back to life.
  • You feel genuinely good about where American politics currently stand.

Image via Shutterstock

  1. Colonel Reb forever

    You will end up in the emergency room if you follow the rules. Guaranteed.

    8 years ago at 2:47 pm
  2. AmericanHam

    Take a shot of bleach if at any time during the debate you feel either candidate would be a good president.

    8 years ago at 2:48 pm
  3. Henry_Eighth

    If either makes a Harambe reference, pull out a gun and blow your fucking head off.

    8 years ago at 3:02 pm
    1. TFMappsucks

      I think everyone should stand by that rule. If that were to happen, there’s no hope for this country

      8 years ago at 4:45 pm
  4. Fratcatinthehat

    Take all the shots you poured at the beginning of the debate, blackout, and turn off the debate and watch something else. Or sleep.

    8 years ago at 3:22 pm
    1. SharkWeekTFM

      I’ll raise you her not being resuscitated if we can get the T assassination thrown in too.

      But then what happens? Johnson and Stein schedule a debate at a local library but the country force Bernie and (through the power of the internet/Satan) Harambe’s body with Robin Williams brain up on stage as well.

      After a mostly uneventful discussion of actual policy and plans, Johnson and Harombin Williambe are declared tied “winners” of the debate but Stein and Bernie end up fighting over who gets to have original Green Ranger Jason David Frank as their running mate. JDF releases a statement saying he will not run with either.

      8 years ago at 8:21 pm
  5. Drunk Chris Berman

    Guarantee Hillary will try to reference some old meme nobody cares about

    8 years ago at 5:39 pm