Why I’m Voting For Donald Trump

Donald Trump

The 2016 presidential election is heating up and heating up fast. Monday’s debate gave us a nice look into both Hillary and Donald and their stances on the important issues. It quickly turned into who could talk the loudest and who could insult the other the most. In that regard, Donald put Hillary in a body bag. While moderator Lester Holt was trying to damper his “talent” with the success of a first-grade teacher in rundown neighborhood, the rest of America was debating in their mind who they would be voting for.

There is a lot to look at when deciding a candidate. Who is going to supply the economy with a policy that will lead to long-term growth, increase jobs for the middle class, and make this country as tax efficient as possible. Foreign policy and combating ISIS is also a pressing need that this country needs right now. Lots of things to research to make an informed decision. We need someone who is going to do all of these things and make America great again.

So in an effort to make that informed decision of who I am going to vote for, I hit the books. I did some extensive research trying to find something that would give me, and America an edge. Out of all the books I went through, the one I found most useful was the sports book. I spotted Trump at a respectable number on sportsbook and headed over to my site, Bovada, to get some action.


Yes, that’s right. The Trumpster is a +200 underdog right now in the race. If I have a chance to double my money, that guy is going to get my vote every single time. Who would vote for Hillary knowing that she’s only paying out $0.36 on the dollar? I thought she was trying to get rid of the wage gap. Pretty easy to see here that Trump is willing to pay out more. Wake up people. Hillary is at it again with her lying ways. Think about the economics of this decision. You are doubling your money by betting on Trump to win, and then following it up with a vote for Donald. With Hillary, you’re basically losing money by voting for her. Do you want to lose money or double your money? That’s what I thought.

Now, Gary Johnson sits in the “other” category, and while I believe he deserves more recognition than he’s getting, I just can’t put money on him. That’s like putting money in your favorite team to win the championship even though they are sitting with one loss and have a very slim chance to make it to the playoff. You’re just losing money at that point. We live in a money-in, money-out world. The name of the game is to take the money out of your bookie’s wallet and into yours.

So everyone get out there and vote for Trump because a vote for Donald is a vote for my bank account, and yours too if you get in on the action.

Image via Shutterstock

  1. BourbonAndBlazers

    Hilary hasn’t been elected president, she she **somehow** has already proven herself to be more scandalous, dishonest, and dishonorable than her fucking husband.

    8 years ago at 11:49 am
    1. Siblings of Mark Wahlberg

      Are we really going to criticize bill for getting blown in the oval office? That sounds like a TFM to me.

      8 years ago at 12:04 pm
  2. BobMotherFuckingBarker

    “If I were to run, I’d run as a Republican. They’re the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they’d still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.” -Donald Trump, 1998

    8 years ago at 12:04 pm
    1. Fratistics101

      You’re that guy that shares memes on Facebook without fact checking them first because he’s never said that.

      8 years ago at 12:14 pm
      1. BobMotherFuckingBarker

        Fuck me that is a fake quote. I apologize for my lack of fact checking, but the fact that that doesn’t scream this has to be fake at me is a problem, no?

        8 years ago at 12:33 pm
  3. billybudd

    Anyone who honestly believes Donald will benefit the economy, PLEASE respond with your reasoning using facts and data regarding his planned policies. And no, just because he’s a “successful business man” doesn’t mean he’s going to lead our country to economic prosperity.

    8 years ago at 12:10 pm
    1. Fratty McFratFrat

      (Please read this with a hillbilly accent) YEW BETTER GIT ON TH’ TRUMP TRAIN, SHITHEAD, CUZ IT’S ABOUTA RUN YEW RITE OVER!

      8 years ago at 12:30 pm
    2. Goldman

      changing 8 complex income brackets into 4 income brackets and reducing the small business tax.

      8 years ago at 12:54 pm
      1. billybudd

        Which will lead to a $4.4 trillion loss of government revenue. And any economic boost that those tax cuts would provide are pretty much conjecture, since there’s almost no way to accurately predict or measure the effect of tax cuts on the economy

        8 years ago at 1:19 pm
      2. txstatePKE

        Your 4.4 billion dollar net loss doesn’t take into account the Tariff that Donald plans on putting on business outside the country who are taking advantage of our free trade policy’s that are extremely outdated. Our government will be making money without destabilizing our economy like Killary plans to do. Hillary’s plan to tax the rich to pay for her agenda will lead to even more big business leaving the country taking all our jobs with them.

        8 years ago at 2:29 pm
      3. TokenBlackPledge

        If Republicans aren’t okay with high taxes why the fucking would you be cool with Tariffs. It’s the same fucking thing and hurts the American consumer more than it helps.

        8 years ago at 9:14 pm
      4. Donnie Fratzoff

        Reducing the taxes while simultaneously increasing tariffs making all items you buy way more expensive, creating retaliatory tariffs against our goods hurting exports, oh and potentially starting a trade war with our 2nd and 3rd largest trading partners. Reagan and Gingrich opened up trade which led to prosperity, Trump wants to close it down (like the Sandernistas).

        8 years ago at 2:08 pm
      5. billybudd

        It’s amazing that the 2 leading candidates are so anti-free trade, considering that’s exactly what has allowed the US to become an economic superpower. Feel the Johnson 2016

        8 years ago at 2:29 pm
      6. txstatePKE

        We can’t have free trade if America is getting screwed. That’s what Trumps been saying since he started campaigning. I have no love for Trump but anyone who thinks letting these company’s leave the country and sell products right back to us without us making any money out of it are retarded. Protect American jobs

        8 years ago at 2:36 pm
      7. billybudd

        The jobs you’re talking about are menial labor, manufacturing jobs. And sorry to say but those jobs are NEVER coming back to the US no matter how many tariffs you put in place. We cannot compete with 3rd world country labor wages, and why the hell would we want to? Tariffs benefit nobody, that’s a fact.

        8 years ago at 3:11 pm
      8. txstatePKE

        Medtronic (a Fortune 500 company) is one of those “menial” companies your referring to. A company that provided medical equipment to hospitals and cities around the country and who’s average employee made around 82K a year (you can google it yourself) but shifted its global headquarters from Minneapolis to Ireland in 2014 because they’re corporate tax is 20% while ours is 32%. U gotta stop drinking the coolaid that the lefties are shoving down ur throat before all of America is outsourced

        8 years ago at 4:04 pm
      9. billybudd

        That’s a corporate tax issue. The tariffs you were just referring to would do nothing to change that. I agree our corporate tax is too high, that’s why I’m voting for Gary Johnson and his consumption tax.

        8 years ago at 5:58 pm
      10. 21st Century Goose

        Most of those Medtronic employees are engineers, customer service, etc. not manufacturing jobs

        8 years ago at 6:09 pm
      11. billybudd

        And I just looked up the Medtronic move, they didn’t lose any jobs in Minnesota and actually were planning on adding 1,000 more jobs. So they did that purely for corporate tax reasons, with no outsourcing of jobs. And I agree our corporate tax is way too high. Sidebar I really wish we had the fuckin forums so we could actually discuss this shit

        8 years ago at 6:56 pm
  4. Colonel Reb forever

    If for no other reason, I’m voting for Trump because a Hillary White House *guarantees* a weaker nation.

    America was once the gold standard, and indeed we’re still pretty damn impressive. But, in short, there are many causes for concern that will not be solved by Clinton 2.0 no matter what’s said her carefully worded speeches.

    She’s compromised, if not outright corrupt. She’s not physically well, too. Bottom line: virtually anyone reading this is a better option for commander-in-chief than she.

    8 years ago at 12:12 pm
    1. BobMotherFuckingBarker

      Trump is objectively worse than Hilary. The guy has no political experience. His big model is that he’s a tycoon, and all he does is win etc. In reality the guy has multiple failed businesses, I’m talking more than 10, was in millions of dollars of debt as recently as the 2000s, could be even more recent, but he won’t release his financial records, and like Hilary, is a pathological liar. The guy says one thing, then says he never said it, and doesn’t realize that the internet remembers shit, not to mention that he has been a democrat seemingly his whole career up until this point, the guy flip flops just as much as Hilary. We haven’t even gotten to his “policies”. That’s in quotes because he doesn’t fucking have any, he just says extremely broad shit, with no substance. If you ask him how he’s gonna get Mexico to pay for the wall, all he says is “believe me”. Bill O’Reilly, the most notorious right wing hack, called him out on this for Christ sake. Lastly, he asked three separate times in a closed door meeting why we can’t just nuke people. This is the guy who we would be giving the keys to the end of the Earth. Hilary is corrupt, I’m not voting for her, I’m voting for Gary Johnson, but if push came to shove I’d rather have a corrupt politician than a fucking circus monkey leading the free world.

      8 years ago at 12:27 pm
      1. Larry_Sellers

        I agree with most of what you said, and believe me when I say that I abhor both of these candidates, but the “Hillary is corrupt” argument is played out. News flash, fucking everybody who has sat in the Oval Office has done something at least a little corrupt in their political career. They wouldn’t have made it that far in politics if they hadn’t, that’s the nature of the game. I disagree with most of her policies, but you’re kidding yourself (not you specifically, everyone in general) if you honestly think Hillary is THAT much more corrupt than anyone else who has run for/held office before her in either party.

        8 years ago at 12:40 pm
      2. BobMotherFuckingBarker

        Being described as “extremely careless” by the fbi in regards to handling classified information is extremely scary

        8 years ago at 12:44 pm
      3. Larry_Sellers

        Corrupt and careless aren’t synonyms, but you’re right that is really unsettling. I’m not happy about it, but when it comes down to it I’d take careless over whatever the hell Trump is.

        8 years ago at 1:49 pm
      4. Bear Jew

        For months now Trump had a plan to pay for the wall on his website. His website is also easier to navigate through than Hillary’s. Give them a look

        8 years ago at 3:46 pm
    2. BoozeBowsBoys

      Hillary winning guarantees a 7-2 liberal-slanted Supreme Court. She’s already planned to attack the 2nd Amendment with that power, saying she believes the Heller case was wrong; Lord knows which ones will follow. We wouldn’t see another Conservative Supreme Court decision in our lifetime.

      8 years ago at 12:39 pm
  5. BoesNToes

    -275 doesn’t mean you lose money you idiot. You get your original bet PLUS 36% so you put down $100 and you get $136 back.

    8 years ago at 12:15 pm
  6. RisingFratstarOfTX

    Why I’m voting for Johnson: the other options. I know his chances are slim to none, but if either of the others wins, and tanks the country, I can look at the wreckage and say to the voters responsible, “See? Look what you did.”

    8 years ago at 12:16 pm
    1. 21st Century Goose

      If he gets 15% of the vote this year the libertarian party is eligible for federal election funds in 4 years, that should be a good reason anyone that can’t stomach the two main party candidates should vote third party

      8 years ago at 6:07 pm
      1. RisingFratstarOfTX

        He’s damn close to the 15% he needs to get into the debates. He’s already made it further than any third party candidate since ’90. The trick to getting momentum going for the Libertarians is getting him in the debates so he gets the national attention he needs. Plenty of rubes out there are only voting for Trump or Hilary because they forget about other options. Get him in front of the cameras, and that’ll start changing quick.

        8 years ago at 6:55 pm
    2. texasfratguy

      I’ve accepted the fact that Trump and Hillary are bad candidates but I checked out Gary Johnson and that man is an idiot. I just want more people to actually look into him besides just saying “he’s the other option” because trump has better policies than him.

      8 years ago at 12:04 am
      1. TyWebb88

        The guy can’t even name one foreign leader and has literally no idea what Aleppo is.

        8 years ago at 10:33 am
      2. 21st Century Goose

        This is honestly the most depressing election of my life time. No candidates to take seriously. The fact that I’m strongly considering a candidate that doesn’t know what Aleppo is is fucking horrible.

        8 years ago at 12:49 pm
      3. RisingFratstarOfTX

        Honestly, I’d rather deal with that than our other choices any day of the week. An idiot can be counteracted by the VP. Trump will always be a shithead and Hilary a crook regardless of their running mate. Those two possibilities will screw us over so quick it’ll make our heads spin.

        8 years ago at 11:00 am