grizzly bear attack

Man Mauled To Near Death By Grizzly Bear Films Aftermath Before Going To Hospital

You weren’t actually mauled to near death by a grizzly bear if you don’t immediately record the aftermath and upload it to social media. Todd Orr did exactly this. All the likes.

I’m not able to embed the video but you can watch it on his Facebook account. Warning: If blood makes you squeamish, the video might be a little much for you. Then again, I added his bloody pictures above so it’s kind of too late, huh? Plus you clicked on a story about a man nearly dying from a gruesome bear attack so we’re probably good either way.

He’s so calm, man. The attack clearly had just happened. Either he’s still in shock or Todd Orr is all cajones.

Below is the full account of what happened, according to Todd.

[via Facebook]

  1. Bear Jew

    I can barely walk three miles let alone start jogging after a bear mauled me twice. This guy is a legend

    8 years ago at 12:01 am
  2. RaginBush84

    Sir the medical reports came back and we are not sure how you were able to walk with your balls being so big

    8 years ago at 12:09 am
  3. TaylorSwiftsPubeGroomer

    “I made a quick call to my girlfriend to ask how her morning was”

    Please tell me that she’s a billionaire that’s 3 foot tall with a flat head and no teeth

    8 years ago at 12:33 am
    1. Tgeorgeiii

      But if it was a white guy that attacked a black bear the media would’ve had a field day

      8 years ago at 7:06 pm
  4. DrGonzoTFM

    Dorno you basically put a trigger warning at the beginning of the article. NF.

    8 years ago at 8:07 am
  5. Pete_Jones

    Documenting a serious injury then uploading it to social media like it was no big deal #TFM.

    8 years ago at 8:47 am