President Obama Reads Mean Tweets And Takes A Jab At Donald Trump On Jimmy Kimmel Live!

  1. Chuck Sherman

    As much as he sucked as a president, the guy does have a good sense of humor.

    8 years ago at 10:20 am
    1. CheeseDicks

      You are going to need a good sense of humor, this comment is about to get shit on

      8 years ago at 10:31 am
  2. StoryTeller

    HAHAHAHAHAH a guy that ruined our country by constantly encouraging racial tensions and problems. Who also doesn’t acknowledge radical Islam as a danger to western society. He also fucked us with Obamacare and behaved in such a way that a Russian politician called us “pussies”. Fucking hilarious

    8 years ago at 10:23 am
    1. BloodyBunghole

      Oh yeah… he’s the devil.

      Just like they said, he instituted Sharia Law his first week in office…

      Then they warned about Obamacare… and, just like the tea party intellectuals predicted, he then nominated the first Death Panel (still don’t know how he got Sue Sarandon and Fidel Casto’s corpse confirmed by the Senate)…

      Plus… Obama said that I could keep my doctor… but when I moved to a new state, my doctor referred me to someone else… 🙁

      And who cares if he’s the guy that (finally) ordered the death of Osama bin Ladin… some dickless Russian called us pussies because we sanctioned the fuck of their shitty little nation.

      I’m with you, comrade! That der’mo don’t fly!

      8 years ago at 2:21 pm
      1. StoryTeller

        I appreciate your attempt at sarcasm and skimming over some good topics here but this is such an outrageous rebuttal I don’t even know where to start. My only concern here is your lack of willingness to acknowledge a country with nuclear power is doing whatever they want across the pond while the rest of the world slowly loses respect for America’s leaders.

        8 years ago at 2:29 pm
      2. BloodyBunghole

        I appreciate that you’ve drank the koolaid… but… they’ve been doing that for decades (literally decades). They hyperbole within the country has dimmed the populace to things like “facts” and “history”.

        Russia (even without their Soviet minions) has been (since before WWII) a global influence. And… they’re not the scariest nuclear power out there… the smaller the nation, the scarier their nukes are (obv talking about NK). Russia is a large (but weakened) power, desperately trying to regain the influence it had pre-1980’s. I’m not discounting them, but if you are worried about what one small-time Russian politician says (angrily because his slush funds have been frozen by Western banks), then sir… you should listen to what our small-time politicians say about Russians (it’s not great).

        Finally… while I can agree with some of your sentiment, I believe we have different definitions of the word “slowly”. Personally, I think we’ve been disrespecting ourselves at record speed. Electing a racist, sexist, anti-Christ of a TV personality as a serious political candidate (I’m quite sure) likely did nothing to retard the breakneck pace we’ve set for ourselves.

        8 years ago at 3:13 pm
      3. FratinaHat

        Wow you’re a real delusional piece of work. Since obviously you didn’t use facts or logic to come to your conclusions, using them to try arguing with you is pointless.

        Ya dude, keep telling those dead Navy Seal Team 6 seals that Obama was the one who “got” Bin Laden.

        8 years ago at 12:19 am
      4. FratinaHat

        Pretty sure Bloody bunghole is paid $2.50 per shill post. please do go on about Barry Sorento’s accomplishments (in no particular order of failure)

        – Giving away the US control for the internet
        – The horrific disclosures dealing with the TPP
        – funding of Al-Qeada
        – Fast and furious disaster
        – benghazi disaster (which he had plenty to do with, reference wiki leaks)
        – instrumenting the failed Syrian revolution
        – forcing those “refugees” to Europe where rape is now disgustingly high.
        – Out right lying to the public on obama care
        – Instrumenting a failed coup in Keiv
        – 70% increase on food stamps
        – Median house income down $4300
        – Monsanto protection act.
        – only president in history who not to deliver a single year of 3.0%+ economic growth
        – ect…ect…ect…

        The entire establishment is basically a house full of Wallys

        Bonus – Michelle is a tranny

        8 years ago at 12:59 am
      5. BloodyBunghole

        None of the Seal Team 6 died during the raid… several died in a helicopter accident months later though.

        *** The More You Know ***

        And I never said Obama “got” Bin Laden… I said he was the guy who ordered the assault… that’s what he does as commander in chief. After this guy was wanted for DECADES, he was taken down during Obama’s watch… does he not get ANY credit for that in your head? The death of Bin Laden… that had absolutely no significance for you?

        8 years ago at 9:31 am
      6. smithpm

        Great. You can point to one accomplish in 8 years. Congrats to you. Nice try, good effort.

        8 years ago at 3:50 pm
  3. sunshinebass

    hey it’s noon on the east coast and you guys have put up two pieces of content today and they’ve both been youtube videos. y’all are the best.

    8 years ago at 10:45 am
  4. Steve Janowski

    My Confederate ancestor was killed by a Wisconsin regiment. I can’t tell if that’s why I hate you, or if it’s because you share trash like this.

    8 years ago at 10:48 am
  5. That drunk brother

    Even if it’s not Greek content, can you atleast post college related content…you know since this site is supposed to be about college and stuff

    8 years ago at 10:54 am
  6. Hoosier_SNU

    RE: TFM management

    Does it not bother you that 9/10 comments are telling you how you are all ruining this site and deviating from what made this site entertaining? You laid off all of our favorite writers (relatively speaking) and produce pure garbage or reposts I could find on Reddit or business insider. Honestly go fuck yourselves, and Dorn, go headbutt a knife.

    8 years ago at 10:57 am
    1. ReardenSteel

      I think their general fall back excuse is, “those who comment make up a minuscule percentage of our traffic”…yeah but we are a microcosm of your target demographic. Maybe y’all should have listened to us. Also bring back the forums.

      8 years ago at 1:39 pm
  7. smithpm

    I had a fun year as a super senior too, but O treating the lame duck portion of his presidency as a bridge-burning, raging kegger is really sad.

    8 years ago at 11:08 am
  8. Colonel Reb forever

    Dear TFM,

    We frequent your app/website, in part, to avoid the indoctrination-through-entertainment tactics of the left that has penetrated every possible facet of our nation.

    Similar to Obama, Clinton is a duplicitous, bought-and-paid-for, grotesque infection on the ass of society and most–perhaps upwards of 95% of us–would appreciate a total moratorium on any future posts that make both she and her acolytes appear, either directly or indirectly, worthy of the highest office in the land.


    8 years ago at 11:32 am