florida delta tau delta swastika

Tolerant Liberals Vandalize UF Delt House, Call Them All Rapists Because Some Members Voted Trump

florida delta tau delta swastika

I love this story so, so much because it represents everything that is wrong with both post-election Trump protests and the overarching PC protests currently taking place across the country.

As I stated in my reaction to the recent protest at my alma mater, the University of Wisconsin, protesting has devolved from a powerful, united stand against injustice into a self-serving display of “look how righteous I am!” There are two sides to everything, so before you freak out about how much more just and benevolent your beliefs are than those of the opposition, take some time to cool down and assess the situation so you can avoid making a complete and utter ass of yourself like some anti-Trump protesters at the University of Florida did.

From The Alligator:

After members of the UF chapter of Delta Tau Delta fraternity expressed support for President-elect Donald Trump, the fraternity’s house was vandalized last weekend.

Between Saturday night and Sunday morning, three of the house’s columns were spray-painted with hearts above a black swastika, “Trump” and the word “rape.” A 12-pane kitchen window was also broken, said Gainesville Police spokeswoman Lt. Tscharna Senn, but no one was hurt.

Apparently the official Gainesville police handbook doesn’t lump “butthurt” in with “hurt.” Regardless, I love the logic at play here.

I don’t like one viewpoint that a few Delta Tau Delta brothers have, but just getting angry at that doesn’t properly express how overall angry I am that Trump won. Which, sure, at its core has nothing to do with them because 61.2 million other people voted for Trump as well, but I’m just going to take my anger out on them because it’s convenient and fraternities are an easier target than the 10-point skee ball hole. What to do? I know! I will use the knowledge I have that a few Delts like Trump and the knowledge that sexual assault has occurred in Greek life before to call those pesky people I saw and the rest of the hundred or so Delts, normal UF students whom I’ve never even attempted to get to know, bigoted rapists!”

This response from some of the anti-Trump folk is to progress what letting the guy who fucks cats watch your cat while you’re on vacation is to being a good pet owner.

Now, let’s see if what the Delts did was something that might warrant this reaction.

On Saturday, as people marched down West University Avenue protesting Trump, some members of the fraternity waved a Trump flag outside the house, located at 1926 W. University Ave., and shouted back at protesters.

William Hunter Hedman, the president of the chapter, said members were exercising their right to free speech.

“It’s just unfair that people generalize certain things about us,” the 21-year-old UF economics junior said. “We did nothing wrong. We provoked nothing.”

I can’t speak for them (because I don’t speak feigned tolerance), but it appears the rogue protesters’ argument for why they vandalized the DTD house would be that they felt the Delts waving the flag and shouting at them was provocative, insulting to their protest, and, for lack of better words, disrupted their safe space. If that’s the case — which again, I’m merely speculating — they completely miss the point of a protest. If your protest doesn’t have people willing to counter-protest it, then it’s nothing more than a big circlejerk parade (which I’m sure is the title of some porno somewhere). You’re supposedly fighting for something; that means there is opposition. And if you treat all of your opposition like this, good luck ever getting them to convert over to your side. It wasn’t national anti-Trump day (much to the protesters’ chagrin) — Trump fans can can protest your protest. So can Gary Johnson fans, or Jill Stein’s fan. That’s the beauty of this country… until you fuck it up with your overreactive retaliation.

Here’s the fraternity’s official statement on the matter:

One Delt had a very refreshing take on this whole ordeal.

Kevin Kimbrough, a member of Delta Tau Delta, said the vandalism does not reflect the fraternity’s values or the values of Saturday’s protesters.

“We don’t want to generalize them as people who vandalize either,” the 22-year-old UF computer science senior said.

He doesn’t generalize them even though some of them generalized him. Hey vandals — maybe spend a little less time calling Kevin Kimbrough a bigoted rapist and a little more time listening to him.

[via The Alligator]

Image via The Alligator

  1. ToPrepOrNotToPrep

    Why can’t liberals see the huge fucking hypocrisy in their actions?

    8 years ago at 1:56 pm
  2. InHoc04

    So it’s okay to paint a swastika on someone’s property, as long as you an SJW?

    8 years ago at 2:03 pm
  3. Coolnamewastaken

    “We ask that we receive the support of the University in rejecting this conduct” Good luck with that, sport. The university is probably funding the people who did it.

    8 years ago at 2:49 pm
  4. FreedomChomp

    Man I love this city with the exception of its absolutely militant liberalism.

    8 years ago at 2:51 pm
    1. 1_Rugey_Jentelman

      Interesting… Now I’m imagining an off-the-grid liberal militia, gun-free of course.

      8 years ago at 3:44 pm
  5. ImHereForTheGangbang

    Does UF Delt have any Jewish members? Report the protesters for committing an anti-semitic hate crime and get them booted from campus.

    8 years ago at 3:53 pm
    1. fratsohardUn1versity

      I agree you gotta spin it on them like Milo Yiannopolus does. Claim these liberals are anit semetic racists…that will really make their heads explode

      8 years ago at 9:40 pm
  6. Mythheart

    I’m sorry my party’s full of idiots. It’s hard for me to believe people can stay angry for this long about nothing.

    8 years ago at 4:40 pm