This Kansas Cheerleader Probably Regrets Snapchatting Three Dudes In KU Sweaters Spelling Out KKK
Today’s edition “Things You Should Never Snapchat” isn’t quite as intense as yesterday’s Texas Rangers masturbatin’ & hazin’ incident (will anything ever be?), but it does still qualify as Things. You. Should. Never. Snapchat.
Upon Snapping this, what did the girl really expect the best possible outcome would be? Dozens of her friends texting and DM’ing her about how HILARIOUS the three dudes in “K” sweaters standing next to each other was?
“CLASSIC snap, girl. You really captured both a rare and hysterical moment in time,” they’d say, in an alternate reality where 99.9% of Snapchats weren’t somehow so disposable that they make most tweets look like indispensable works of literature.
Meanwhile, the worst case scenario is… what’s actually happening in real life right now.
For what it’s worth, the cheerleader does have a terrible excuse for how this happened.
Really? You’re going with the “I was hacked/my phone was stolen” excuse? Nobody believes that when people whose social media accounts are actually worth sabotaging say that’s what happened. We all knew it was Draymond who sent out the dong shot. Clearly her play should have been, “It was a critique of Trump, whom I despise, because he is a Klan Nazi. I was simply highlighting his allegiances to these evil organizations in a satirical manner and I deeply apologize to anyone who may have misinterpreted my post and was hurt by it.” People would buy that. They couldn’t disprove it, anyway.
I should start a social media crisis PR firm for college kids.
Her awful excuse shouldn’t surprise anyone, though. A person who confuses “have” with “of” isn’t going to be savvy enough to talk her way out of something like this. It’s a grammatical mistake infinitely more infuriating than mixing up your and you’re — it’s like saying “The sun is rising” but instead of using the correct version of “sun” you write “hand job.”
Personally I don’t find this snap that bad. It’s clear and obvious why it would make people upset, and I don’t really have a rebuttal for those people, other than I mostly just think it was a dumb, drunk mistake and a bad joke (which is another better excuse than “THERE WAS FOUL PLAY AFOOT!”). Regardless, drunken tactlessness ≠ proof of white supremacist allegiance.
But the girl is a part of a university affiliated group that very publicly represents KU. I can’t blame people upset at this for wanting some kind of school response. I would only caution that whoever rules on this take into account the age of the person, the state of mind she was in when sending it, and her overall character. Again, I doubt she’s goose-stepping her way to The Wheel every weekend.
And, as always, if you’re going to go down for a racist joke, at least make it funny..
I would bang her
8 years ago at 11:36 amIt’s amazing just how stupid people can be in the year 2016
8 years ago at 11:36 amI think that a lot too, but then I remember that most people don’t read the internet nearly as much as me (or you, probably) and thus have no idea how commonly people go down for this shit, and don’t fully comprehend how terrible of an idea it is, or how easily they can/will go down for it.
8 years ago at 11:46 amBacon’s got a point. Stupid people usually don’t know that they’re stupid.
8 years ago at 11:50 amThat’s true I’m pretty sure most people in Kansas are waiting to hear if Romney or Obama won
8 years ago at 11:52 am“The black one will win for sure. I won’t even need to vote.”
8 years ago at 1:37 pmShould they go down for this shit? I mean one more K or one less K than it would have been ok? People are just inferring something that simply wasn’t there, it wasn’t like there were #KKK or #WhitePower to make it indicative that is for the KKK. Fuck that.
8 years ago at 5:29 pmI retract my statement, long day.
8 years ago at 5:30 pmDisappointed in the lack of pictures of said cheerleader.
8 years ago at 11:37 amI was thinking the same thing brah
8 years ago at 11:50 amThe real story here is the hideous fashion sense of the guys in the sweaters.
8 years ago at 11:45 amI’m speechless too. Stintson!
8 years ago at 11:49 amThis account is a National Treasure
8 years ago at 12:27 pmHoly fuck give me some laps boys
8 years ago at 12:16 pmWe’re doing it because we want to, not because you told us to.
8 years ago at 2:32 pmWhat kind of twitter handle is “lilgagin”?
8 years ago at 12:05 pmIt’s the type of handle someone who confuses “of” and “have” would use.
8 years ago at 12:18 pmJudging by everything here, this girl is about 51 cards short of a full deck. I’m giving her 1 card because apparently she knows how to breathe.
8 years ago at 12:21 pmThere is a 100% chance she is a Communications major with a GPA hovering around 2.0.
8 years ago at 12:28 pmA fun one
8 years ago at 1:44 pmAre we gonna ignore the fact that her last names is gagging?
8 years ago at 12:09 pmNeed to make fun of her, too. This is already to swallow.
8 years ago at 1:39 pmRob, you’ve been killing it lately keep it up
8 years ago at 12:13 pmAgree with the have/of thing. Usually not the type of guy that gives a shit about people’s grammar but that one just plain makes me mad
8 years ago at 3:23 pmIt’s just a matter of time before the letter “K” is banned from college campuses.
8 years ago at 4:13 pm