send nudes denis

Some Guy Named Denis Just Revolutionized The “Send Nudes” Game

send nudes denis

There’s a motto I’ve always lived by that has fallen by the wayside in recent years. That motto revolves around the word kiss, but it has nothing to do that “Kiss the Girl” song from The Little Mermaid, the band Kiss, kissing her anus, or whatever else your sick mind is probably postulating. It’s an acronym, KISS, which stands for “Keep it simple, stupid.” Sometimes, maximum effect can be achieved with minimal effort. KISS is the best friend of the guy who wants to get results without trying too hard, and this dude Denis is that guy.

We got the below email from a girl, with the attached photo:

Met some guy at a bar, and he asked if he could put his number into my phone. He texted me later and noticed this:

send nudes denis

Wow. It’s something that nobody would’ve ever thought of on their own, but that everyone wishes they would’ve been doing since the start of freshman year. Cast a wide net, and you’re bound to catch some fish. Denis knows that. Denis is a fisherman, and fuck your net — he fishes with dynamite. Denis is out here changing the game while the rest of our lazy asses stay firmly planted in Loserville, USA. He’s a hero. Where’s Denis’ Presidential Medal of Freedom, Obama?

And to answer your question, I have no idea if this crafty move was pulled by our very own former intern, Intern Denis. God I hope it was, though. I really, really do.

Buy the official shirt of the “Send Nudes” movement below RIGHT NOW and get:

1) Free shipping

2) Nudes (results not guaranteed)

  1. Are You Kidding Me

    Suprised to see 65 sales already. Imagine how that number will skyrocket when high school let’s out today.

    8 years ago at 2:36 pm
  2. DrGonzoTFM

    I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that this is the same Denis that Dorno has a raging hardon for who was a TFM intern for 3 days.

    8 years ago at 3:00 pm
  3. I_dont_skateboard

    This shit wasn’t funny the first time, next thing we know man outfitters will be selling send nudes t shirts.

    8 years ago at 3:17 pm
    1. I_dont_skateboard

      I didn’t read the article before commenting, holy fuck you all have no shame.

      8 years ago at 3:18 pm