The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide For Cool People Who Like Cool Stuff

Be thankful you have free access to my brain this holiday season. Gone are the days of your family, friends, and significant others dreading opening your shitty gift and acting like it’s not a shitty gift in front of your face.

Follow the Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide For Cool People Who Like Cool Shit and you’ll be the star of Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa or whichever occasion would elicit the purchasing of a gift from you. Below is a gift guide featuring some items we will profit from you purchasing (Man Outfitters), and other items that we may receive a commission (Amazon Affiliate Links) on if you choose to follow my advice.

YETI Rambler 10 Lowball


The most affordable ($19.99) item available from YETI is probably my favorite, too, and might also be the most versatile. Hot and cold. Coffee and whiskey. It’s not hard to figure out. Picture your old man reading the newspaper on the front porch while drinking coffee out of this thing. Dude will never be happier.

Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Professional Studio Monitor Headphones


I own these. I use them daily. I’m wearing them right now. I did a lot of research before buying them. They’re the best value for headphones I have found on the market. They sound fucking awesome.

Patagonia Quilt ‘Snap-T’ Cotton Pullover


These Patagonia pullovers are inexpensive, sharp, and perfect for cool weather. Any guy has to have one similar in his repertoire, so make it this one and help me put my kid through college.

Filson Rugged Duffel Bag


You see a guy carrying this duffle bag through the airport and what do you immediately think of him? Maybe he’s running coke or maybe something like he’s the Indiana Jones version of a businessman. Rugged and professional. Subtle, but bold as hell. Like he could make a camp fire in two minutes flat but also drinks gin martinis and sleeps with only 10s. Power duffle.

Jack Mason Racing 3-Hand Watch


Pro tip: Girls like a guy who wears a nice watch. It’s science. Pro tip #2: These digital watch faces you see on every Dick, Joe, and Harry don’t exactly move the needle for the ladies like a classic one does. They’re the calculator watches of the 21st century. Go classic.

Mizzen and Main ‘Lincoln’ Performance Dress Shirt


I’m determined to promote Mizzen and Main button downs until every asshole in America owns one. I might be their biggest fan, but every guy I convince to purchase one falls immediately in love with them. They look sharp as hell, are the perfect length to be worn untucked, do not fucking wrinkle, are comfortable and stretchy as shit, and fit like they’re tailor-made.

Raging Mammoth Shotgun Tool


It’s a shotgun tool for serious shotgunners. Figure it out. The style of this one is called “The Raw,” which just sounds kind of bad ass.

Stanley Classic Flask


Every drinker needs a flask. This is a standard flask. It holds liquor. It’s the right size for concealing. It gets the job done. It’s well-made. It’s a well-made standard flask that fits in shit. What more do you want from me?

Q&Q Fashion Texas Ranger Star Bolo Tie


Fuck up a dinner party with a goddamn statement bolo tie.

MyPakage Weekday Boxer Brief


My dick and balls have never felt better in these things. Your dick and balls, or anyone’s dick and balls you purchase these bad boys for, can feel as good as my dick and balls do when I wear these. Testicular support, flexibility, soft — all good stuff for your dick and balls.

Sea-Doo GTX S 155


Buy this jet ski for a shade under 14k and give that special someone the summer of his or her life.

Teroforma Classic Whisky Stones


Whiskey stones. Twenty bucks. Like ice cubes that don’t melt. You freeze them. You put them in your whiskey. It doesn’t water down your whiskey. Not for pussy whiskey drinkers.

Man Outfitters Classic Heathered Henley


My sources are telling me 2017 will be a big year for Henleys. At $39, here is your most wallet-friendly option. Hop on this train or get left behind.

Southern Marsh ‘Highland Alpaca’ Pullover


Here’s the absolutely PERFECT pullover for the guy who doesn’t get laid but really wants to get laid and should wear this to marginally increase his chances of getting laid but will in all likelihood continue not getting laid.

Patagonia ‘Bivy’ Reversible Down Vest


This vest fucks.

Hestra ‘Sarna’ Elk Leather Glove


The perfect pair of gloves for those blistering cold winter days. Or if you want to get away with a gruesome double homicide. Made from real elk, so you know they’re good.

TravisMathew ‘Chambers’ Athletic Shorts – 8″ Inseam


I’m a big Travis Mathew guy. BIG. People know that about me. You need some TM gear and you need some yesterday. Start with these motherfuckers. So damn comfortable and the perfect length for athleisure shorts. You could even get off your lazy ass and work out in them.

      1. Big Dumb Idiot

        I can’t make fun of you for having sex with little boys anymore Dorn? I thought this was AMERICA!

        8 years ago at 6:43 pm
    1. MichaelBurry

      At least that bag looked decent. Whats the deal with that watch? When I think of classic watches nothing pops into my mind quite as fast as Jack Mason…

      8 years ago at 2:55 pm
    2. neyihar

      S­t­a­r­t­­­­­­­­­­ y­o­u­r­­­­­­­­­ h­o­m­e­­­­­­­­ b­u­s­i­n­e­s­s­­­­­­­­­ r­i­g­h­t­­­­­­­­­ n­o­w. Spend­­­­­­ more­­­­­­ time­­­­­­ with­­­­­­ your­­­­­­ family­­­­­­ and­­­­­­ earn. Start­­­­­­ bringing­­­­­­ $60/hr­­­­­­ just­­­­­­ on­­­­­­ a­­­­­­ computer. Very­­­­­­ easy­­­­­­ way­­­­­­to­­­­­­ make­­­­­­ your­­­­­­ life­­­­­­ happy­­­­­­ and­­­­­­ earning­­­­­­ continuously. Start­­­­­­ here””­­­­­­….

      8 years ago at 2:17 am
    3. JohnnieWalker_Blue

      Yeah but its the same duffel bag that will ferrell shows up to luke wilsons house in old school with

      8 years ago at 10:50 am
  1. Pete_Jones

    Yeah – let buy a henley shirt as a gift for someone who respects me. That’ll go over great.

    I’d rather sit next to my liberal Aunt Carol during Christmas dinner and listen to how Jill Stien should run for president in 2020 and that we should still be investigating the collapse of Building 7.

    8 years ago at 11:13 am
      1. The User Formerly Known as Frabst

        I hope you get peppermint flavored cyanide hard candies for Christmas you fairy.

        8 years ago at 11:24 am
      2. Pete_Jones

        Sorry – forgot you have the reading skills of Mike Brown in that movie, “The Blindside”.


        8 years ago at 11:26 am
    1. Costal Greek

      Agreed. They sometimes scratch the inside of the glass. The whiskey ice ball is a way better choice.

      8 years ago at 7:58 pm
  2. chongo1775

    I feel like the title should read “buy stuff from the e-store we own.” We all know how cool you are Dillon. Surely you wouldn’t have uncool products in your Grandex store. Man outffitters… great name. You come up with that?

    8 years ago at 1:35 pm
  3. FratBull69

    Nothing says happy fucking holidays like a pair of boxer briefs. fuck you.

    8 years ago at 1:40 pm