tfm bad commenter of the week

Bad Commenter Of The Week: February 28

tfm bad commenter of the week

Welcome to “Bad Commenter Of The Week,” a new weekly series here on TFM wherein I will roast a TFM commenter whom I deem roastworthy for one reason or another — or maybe for no reason at all. Lucky for me, I get to handpick my target. Maybe you’ll agree with my selection, maybe you won’t, maybe it’ll be you. Only time will tell, and I have it on high authority that time’s lips are sealed. Looks like you’ll just have to keep tuning in if you want to see who each week’s massive idiot target is.

Unlike in our series “Commenter Of The Week,” I will not be interviewing the commenter I select because, quite frankly, they don’t deserve that courtesy. If you happen to be the target of my current or future ire, feel free to respond in the comment section, dumbass.

The inaugural Bad Commenter of the Week had a racist username when he initially made his comment because apparently he’s an asshole, so I’ve since changed it to something a little more tolerant.

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In posting this comment, TFM user Rosa Parks Fan Club was responding to this excerpt from the column I posted yesterday, “3 Thoughts I’m Having On My 24th Birthday Today:”

Today, February 27th (at 3:35 p.m., specifically), marks the completion of my 24th year on this earth.

Well, RPFC, let’s think this one out:

0-1 = 1 year completed
1-2 = 2 years completed
2-3 = 3 years completed
3-4 = 4 years completed
4-5 = 5 years completed
5-6 = 6 years completed
6-7 = 7 years completed
7-8 = 8 years completed
8-9 = 9 years completed
9-10 = 10 years completed
10-11 = 11 years completed
11-12 = 12 years completed
12-13 = 13 years completed
13-14 = 14 years completed
14-15 = 15 years completed
15-16 = 16 years completed
16-17 = 17 years completed
17-18 = 18 years completed
18-19 = 19 years completed
19-20 = 20 years completed
20-21 = 21 years completed
21-22 = 22 years completed
22-23 = 23 years completed
23-24 = 24 years completed

So if I just turned 24 yesterday, I’ve just completed my 24th year on this earth, and am starting my 25th year. That doesn’t make me 25, though, you dumbass. We quantify age by how many full years you’ve lived, not the number of years in which you’ve lived, moron.

Your comment was bad and you should feel bad, Rosa Parks Fan Club. You’re a massive idiot and deserve all the shame that comes your way.

Image via Shutterstock

    1. Fratty McFratFrat

      The user in question was Picaninny. Racist name, even more racist picture. Can’t believe you let him stay around as long as you did.

      8 years ago at 12:16 pm
  1. That drunk brother

    This was really underwhelming. I was hoping for more fire instead of a basic math lesson.

    8 years ago at 11:06 am
      1. HGL_JMU

        Prom. Not College.
        Formal. College.
        TFM. For people in College or Alum.
        You. Don’t belong here.

        8 years ago at 1:13 pm
      2. Fratty McFratFrat

        The Democrats will pay for your date, and make one of the guys who gets lots of pussy give you some of his.

        8 years ago at 1:14 pm
    1. Chedda B 225

      Why don’t you just take a girl that will put out? Or stash Molly and tequila in your room/limo.

      8 years ago at 2:14 pm
      1. Fratty McFratFrat

        You’ll never get a bid from Pike if you can’t properly roofie your date.

        8 years ago at 5:40 am
  2. SharkWeekTFM

    Maybe he was Chinese. In China you are 1 when you are born. At least, I heard that somewhere. But even if so, it would still be the completion of that year regardless of the number you ascribe to yourself. So I guess I too much conclude he is a dumbass.

    8 years ago at 11:47 am