tfm bad commenter of the week

Bad Commenter Of The Week: March 10

tfm bad commenter of the week

Welcome to “Bad Commenter Of The Week,” a weekly series here on TFM wherein I will roast a TFM commenter whom I deem roastworthy for one reason or another — or maybe for no reason at all. Lucky for me, I get to handpick my target. Maybe you’ll agree with my selection, maybe you won’t, maybe it’ll be you. Only time will tell, and I have it on high authority that time’s lips are sealed. Looks like you’ll just have to keep tuning in if you want to see who each week’s massive idiot target is.

Unlike in our series “Commenter Of The Week,” I will not be interviewing the commenter I select because, quite frankly, they don’t deserve that courtesy. If you happen to be the target of my current or future ire, feel free to respond in the comment section, dumbass.

This week’s bad commenter of the week is such low hanging fruit that I almost feel like I’m mailing it in by selecting him. I feel like this series can’t continue without me pegging this asshole as bad commenter of the week, though, so here we are. He’s up there with FIRSTpostOX, Bone Daddy, 2ironking, Jerry Fratdusky, and The Chili’s Guy in the annals of TFM commenter lore, though not in a good or interesting way like those hallowed names I just listed.

He’s thevaginator, and he’s just awful.

Here’s a stat that’s so incredible it sounds made up, but that is actually 100% certifiably true: as of the time I’m writing this, thevaginator has posted 99 straight comments that have been downvoted. The lone upvoted comment in his last 100? A fucking PIKE joke — something he almost assuredly only posted because he knew it would get likes unlike everything else he posts (because fuck PIKE).

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Because I like nice, round numbers, and because I hate people who post crutch comments solely for upvotes, I’ve gone ahead and downvoted this comment into oblivion…

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…making it so that his last 100 comments have gone downvoted. Congrats, vagman!

Well, actually, he had some downvoted comments before that PIKE one, so let’s see what the actual tally is at… let me crunch the numbers here for a min — OH MY FUCKING GOD THEVAGINATOR HAS 409 STRAIGHT DOWNVOTED COMMENTS NOW WHAT THE FUCK. 409 downvoted comments since January 18. That’s an average of over 8 downvoted comments a day for the past 51 days — weekends included. What kind of soulless, self-awareness-devoid maniac devotes their life to this madness?!?

I’m not so much angered as I am concerned. What’s thevaginator’s motivation here? Either he gets off on disappointment, or he’s some dude who has an incredible life and takes to the TFM comment section to give him the much-needed heat check that nothing in his non-virtual life can afford him due to his real life being so incredibly awesome. I hope it’s the latter, but I also hate thevaginator, so I’m conflicted. thevaginator has me mad online, which I assume was his goal, so kudos to him. Fuck him, though.

Your comments are bad and you should feel bad, thevaginator. You’re a massive idiot and deserve all the shame that comes your way.

Image via Shutterstock

  1. Broties n Boatshoes

    Fuck that kid. He’ll comment on this at around 3:00 when high school gets out.

    8 years ago at 8:41 am
  2. Theregalrattle

    Anyone wanna set the over under on people he tries to fight in this thread?

    8 years ago at 8:43 am
  3. HGL_JMU

    You’re giving him the same gratification that terrorists get by being shown on CNN.

    8 years ago at 8:47 am
  4. Fratty McFratFrat

    FIRSTpostOX’s body of work was impressive, almost Performance Art. thevaginator is just stupid.

    8 years ago at 8:52 am
  5. SharkWeekTFM

    I don’t get why people keep engaging him. Just hit take a lap and move on: like the full on conversations about how he and some dude are gonna fight in real life. Back and forth.
    Just mucking up the comment section for everyone.

    8 years ago at 9:44 am
      1. Sigma Alpha Egg sandwich

        Can we just feed him to shark week? Would you want rare or whole with flip flops?

        8 years ago at 6:14 pm
      2. SharkWeekTFM

        I wouldn’t eat him. I don’t eat shit. Also I don’t eat people (on purpose).

        8 years ago at 12:49 am