Old Men Are Using Gym Bathroom Hand Dryers To Dry Their Dicks And It’s Ruining My Pump
When I go to use the bathroom at the gym, it is usually a quick, efficient, no-nonsense march to the nearest urinal during which I keep my head down and focus on doing my business. However, I have started to notice a trend in gym bathrooms that is growing increasingly common. No, I’m not talking about the guy who stands in front of the mirror flexing until his children’s medium tank top appears to be seconds from tearing who then posts the routine in its entirety on Instagram with the caption “#FitnessBeast.”
I’m talking about naked old men drying their dicks in the hand dryers.
I’m a pretty health conscious guy; borderline germaphobic. Naturally, I wash my hands after relieving myself — especially at the gym. And also naturally, I will use the hand dryers to dry my hands.
But I have recently started to find myself frequently waiting behind an elderly man, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings, happily drying his bologna pony and family jewels in the hand dryer.
Now, if you want to stroll around the gym bathroom naked, that’s your decision. Why you don’t choose to do that at home is beyond me, but it’s also none of my business.
If I’m not mistaken, however, these are hand dryers, right? If someone can show me the instructions to one of these devices stating, “Place hands or penis under opening to dry,” then I will stand corrected. Shit, I might even start drying my dick in one of these things; maybe I’m missing out.
But I’m pretty damn sure these little doohickeys are for your hands. Yet it doesn’t even seem to cross these old dudes’ minds that after they finish improperly using the device, people like me have to use their newly patented ball dryers for what they are actually meant for. I have to cup my hands right where this elderly gentleman’s nards just were, almost as if to welcome him to come back and place them in my grasp.
All of this can most likely be explained by the simple fact that old people just don’t give a shit. I mean, we’re probably lucky they don’t just air-dry their grapes in the wind in public. But I’ll tell you: I can go my whole life without seeing some old man’s weathered marble sack dangling between his legs like a deflated whoopee cushion, let alone have to wait for him to dry it in the same area I will soon have to place my hands.
The experience doesn’t end when they are done drying, either. No, they always take their time walking away, a look of satisfaction smeared across their face, acting is if they just smacked a walk-off homer out of the park. Their face screams, “Don’t you wish you could do this without any consequences? Because I’m old, and I can.” As they continue their victory strut back to their clothes, the other old men look on in admiration, light bulbs going off in their heads as if the culprit is some type of naked martyr opening the door for thousands of other wrinkled ballsacks to hang free.
The population of these shriveled hijackers is steadily increasing. Maybe these men really just have issues drying their genitals, and using the hand dryers is their final attempt at taking command of their own lives.
Or maybe they just want to watch the world burn.
Either way, I’d prefer not to be a bystander of the festivities any longer, and would encourage gyms to start adding separate areas for penile and testicular dryers in the future. I think the old men would have a ball..
Image via Shutterstock
I’m going to try this tonight at the gym.
8 years ago at 3:32 pmNot giving a fuck cause your old as balls TFM
8 years ago at 3:37 pmBut still maintaining your old ass balls.
8 years ago at 6:48 pmI’m not sorry.
8 years ago at 3:43 pmAnd there’s always that one old dude at the gym wearing waaay too short of shorts and making a horrible orgasm-esque noise on every pump. Like bro fuck off with your menopausal ass
8 years ago at 3:46 pmI laughed
8 years ago at 6:28 pmStockwithFrock
8 years ago at 6:29 pmStop staring at my dick.
8 years ago at 3:53 pmStay at home mom Kelly Richards from New York after resigning from her full time job managed to average from $6000-$8000 a month from freelancing at home… This is how she done it
8 years ago at 1:44 am…….
What kind of fuckin gym are you going to?
8 years ago at 4:04 pmGiving suspiciously detailed descriptions of old men’s genetalia
8 years ago at 4:06 pmTFM?
8 years ago at 7:48 pmGo to crossfit you fucking pussys
8 years ago at 4:18 pmLet’s not and say we didn’t. But crossfitters are my favorite to grab cause they are all a bunch of pussies
8 years ago at 5:43 pmWhy the fuck do I need to flip a tire? It’s 2017 and I’m not poor. I have AAA. Fuck outta here
8 years ago at 6:30 pmI’m fuckin Pax
8 years ago at 6:31 pmA fucking dumbass is what you are.
8 years ago at 7:48 pmWhy are you so in love with me
8 years ago at 8:29 pmIf you’re going to pull off a novelty account, you can’t break character every time someone makes a snarky comment.
8 years ago at 8:39 pmA Pax Prentiss account has a lot of potential. It’s a shame to see this nerd blowing it. Missed opportunity.
8 years ago at 2:48 pmDo you not do this?
8 years ago at 5:21 pmProps for the “have a ball”
8 years ago at 6:23 pm