We Can’t Fault Donald For Tweeting While On The Toilet
President Donald J. Trump has been catching a lot of flak for his tweet volume ever since he took the campaign trail last year. Whether you’re a person who needs to interpret every character in a social media post the way Wally needs to latch onto superhero movies to stay relevant, or the type who sees Twitter for what it is (free, unfiltered, no holds barred entertainment), chances are you’ve seen the recent rise in backlash for how often the leader of the free world shoots out 140 or less characters about whatever he’s thinking. Whether it’s the dreaded MSM (Multi-Scrotal Miscarriages, according to my sources) or actual White House staff who want the current Commander-in-Chief to put down his phone, the big question is “how does President Trump find the time to shoot out a couple racy, high volume numbers each day?”
As the proud of owner of eight different Twitter accounts (four for porn, one for work, two disappointing ones for myself as an actual person, and one that you can find in the bio below), I can see how it could be misconstrued that President Trump is wasting his time tweeting when he should be finding some solution regarding healthcare or guns or other things that are more abstract concepts than they are concrete reality (source not found). However, my experience as a somewhat competent tweeter has led me to the one theory that will get even the most up-in-arms champion of justice to lay back a little bit and give the tycoon-turned-fearless leader a little slice of that warm equality pie.
My mans is tweeting while on the john.
Everybody poops. That’s what my mom told me when I was a little skittish about dropping a deuce in the toilet, and what my senile grandma tells me when she shits herself every Thanksgiving. Thanks to the advent of technology, we now can occupy those 10-30 minutes on the crapper with something more fulfilling than reading the shampoo bottle. I think it’s safe to say that most people do their tweeting, reading, and emailing on the ivory throne rather than spending their time focusing on the task at hand. Speaking from experience, if you give pregnant women an iPhone, I can promise you that whole process will go a lot smoother.
Not to mention the fact that Twitter is a whole lot more productive than getting to level 302 in Candy Crush Jelly Saga or endlessly Google searching your own name. While President Trump could be finding the next starlet he wants to watch do weird stuff to Ivanka, he’s instead enlightening the people about his inner thoughts and feelings in a way that no “social media aide to the President” could ever hope to.
Judging by POTUS’ exclusive diet of taco salads and Trump brand steak, there’s a strong chance that his unending stream of clapbacks are a product of a hair trigger sphincter. When you gotta go, you gotta go. Red meat doesn’t always make its way through an older gentleman’s system as well as we can hope either, so that means that our HMFIC is likely erring on the side of caution and keeping his movements more toward the half-hour mark than a simple stop-and-go procedure.
To that end, I ask all the naysayers, would you rather a world leader tweet out a few grammatically questionable tidbits or clog up the Pentagon Wi-Fi with some raunchy searches? If President Lyndon B. Johnson can tell a tailor about the need for some bunghole room, number 45 can tweet on the crapper. Barring a sudden pinkeye epidemic among his Cabinet, I think we’re saving this nation a lot more embarrassment than you can comprehend.
An attack on a politician tweeting while they poop is an attack on all of us. If you want so much free will exercised on your use of a toilet, I ask only that you give others similar respect in return..
Image via Shutterstock
Every great man tweets on the toilet
8 years ago at 9:55 amAbraham Lincoln didn’t
8 years ago at 10:14 amYes he did. I read it on the internet so it must be true.
8 years ago at 10:22 amLincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address on the toilet. The original was much longer, but he ran out of TP so he tore off the bottom three paragraphs and used them to wipe.
8 years ago at 11:24 amI think you could’ve chosen a better picture…
8 years ago at 9:57 amI think you can lick my butthole.
8 years ago at 12:18 pmI have only one thing to say about that: GROOOOOOOSSSSSS!!!!
8 years ago at 12:24 pmTweeting during number two TFM?
8 years ago at 1:21 pm▬▬▬▬▬☛O dsf
8 years ago at 2:04 pmjust before I saw the paycheck which was of $9068 , I did not believe …that…my father in law was like they say actually taking home money in there spare time on their computer. . there brothers friend haze done this for less than seven months and at present paid the loans on there apartment .. .★★★◕◡◕◕ ◡◕◕◡◕____BIG…..EARN….MONEY..___❥❥❥❥❥❥❥-</b
Read this while on the toilet. How meta.
8 years ago at 4:30 pmI’ve made $76,000 so far this year working online and I’m a full time student.I’m using an online business opportunity I heard about and I’ve made such great money.It’s really user friendly and I’m just so happy that I found out about it.
……….. http://cutt.us/7N2sG
8 years ago at 12:07 amBut we can fault you for writing shitty articles.
8 years ago at 4:35 pmI can tell you that if all the sharks that spend time off the US coasts had voted, we’d all be looking forward to the national legalization of weed under a funny-but-for-different-reasons President Gary Johnson.
But sharks learned their politics while at the top of the food chain, they haven’t had to struggle like some people in this country have to. The playing field is tipped to their advantage.
8 years ago at 9:49 pm