Indiana University police department hazing

Rubber Chickens And Push Ups — The Indiana University Police Academy Hazes Pledges Just Like Us

Coppers and us? We’re not so different. We both enjoy a good pledge hazing and ridiculous punishments for screwing up. Can’t we all get along now?

Never have I ever expected a shitty “Try Not To Laugh” video to be so relevant to potential career choices. However, in the case of some prospective Indiana University Police Academy cadets, that’s exactly the case. Apparently there’s a thing called “The Chicken Test,” which involves getting randomly selected to have a rubber chicken scream in your face. Ya laugh and you’re dead; that simple. The evil ingenuity it took to come up with this idea brings a tear to a pledge master’s eye.

You can tell very early on the ones who are going to crack versus the ones who are stone-cold focused on remembering the time they were a kid and their puppy was murdered. Honestly, it’d be best to implement this exercise at the beginning of the pledge process rather than the end of the semester. Weed out the softies. Recruit the strongest. Build your army of intramural dominating freakshows. This is your Greek Town now, bitches.

[via Facebook]

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  1. Dent

    Plain and simple, anyone who doesn’t chuckle at least a little bit is a full blown psychopath.

    7 years ago at 11:24 am
  2. Forcekins4thewin

    I appreciate them exposing them to the murderous tone of a towel head and or donkey dick tribals when they have been told they don’t own this mf. Really swell training program focuses on the essentials.

    7 years ago at 8:29 am
  3. ChristianPKP

    This is stolen from the military – but then again most the cool shit we do is stolen by other organizations. Our Drill Sergeants yell at trees, it’s epic to behold. University Cops = too fat or slow to be real warriors.

    7 years ago at 7:16 am