FAIL FRIDAY: Nobody’s Perfect

Below are the best of the worst photos, videos and TFMs sent in by our readers this week. Names have been omitted to protect the guilty, but God sees all shame.

Got something you think should be featured in Fail Friday? Send it to us HERE.

Refusing to get a new pair of boat shoes even though yours smell like 1,000 rotting corpses and girls have literally abandoned you mid-hookup as a result. TFM.

Jesus dude just buy new shoes.

When your go-to pickup line at this bar is “Spit in my mouth, mami.” TFM.

I personally have had a high rate of success with that very line.

Flossing with her pubic hair because it’s al natural and you care deeply about the environment. TFM.

You are a disgusting animal.

Having a bathroom attendant pledge that has to wipe your bottom for you when you poo because you never learned how. TFM.

Just make sure he wipes from back-to-front.

Going to confession every Sunday and telling the priest how many beers and pussies you crushed over the weekend. TFM.

Gotta stay right with the Lord.

Driving a pink VW Bug with custom plates that say TFTC with a bumper sticker of Calvin peeing on the democratic donkey. TFM.

Whatever makes you happy.

Indoor rock climbing on the weekends because climbing is your passion but you’re albino and the sun burns your sensitive white skin. TFM.

It’s hard out there for an albino rock climbing enthusiast.

Summer school? More like summer drool. So many honeys in this bitch. Schwing! TFM.

This dude is 100% cranking in the back row.

Every time you go to your female doctor for an annual checkup asking her if there’s some medical issue with the fact that your balls are so big. TFM.

It’s all fun and games until you get testicular cancer.

Take a chug of whiskey, take a chug of beer, take a couple cocks in hand it’s frat that shit’s not queer. TFM.

Beautiful poetry thank you for sharing.

This is the photo next to the word "Goober" in the dictionary.
This photo appears next to the word “Goober” in the dictionary.
I dont know and I dont want to know.
I don’t know and I don’t want to know.
These bros 100 percent get mad pussy.
These bros 100 percent get mad pussy.
It's called being fashion forward you judgmental dick.
It’s called being fashion forward you judgmental dick.
Bourbon street got that mother fucker good and his buddy is not happy about it.
Bourbon street got that mother fucker good and his buddy is not happy about it.
Swole boys showing out.
Swole boys showing out.
Eyes on the prize in the skies.
Eyes on the prize in the skies.
Share some rat poison next.
Share some rat poison next.
Savage! Savage! SO SAVAGE!
Savage! Savage! Savage af!
This is why you dont let a pledge crash in your bed.
This is why you don’t let a pledge crash in your bed.
It's called gun safety dude learn something about it.
It’s called gun safety dude learn something about it.
Or don't. Either way.
Or don’t. Either way.
Bobby, you look like an idiot.
Bobby, you look like an idiot.
Chin boys cheesing.
Chin boys cheesing.
Posing like this for every pic from now on.
Posing like this for every pic from now on.
Made the same face he's making when I saw this photo.
Made the same face he’s making when I saw this photo.
S'cute as hell.
S’cute as hell.
Fuck 'em all.
Fuck ’em all.
Public display of erection. #TFM
Public display of erection. #TFM

Look at this animal (@Gazonifamily)

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Sound on

A post shared by TFM (@totalfratmove) on

Is he crying (@Garrisonbentz)

A post shared by TFM (@totalfratmove) on


Got something you think should be featured in Fail Friday? Send it to us HERE.

    1. jizzrag69

      He walked in on me fucking his mom in the ass and was so traumatized he ran off and joined a monastery. You fucking dumbass

      7 years ago at 11:34 am
      1. jizzrag69

        I got plenty of love from your mom. I’ve been fucking her in the ass since I was 10 years old

        7 years ago at 9:24 pm
      2. BobMotherFuckingBarker

        Jesus I can only imagine the horrors produced by frabst with the pent up sexual frustration of a monk

        7 years ago at 1:57 pm
  1. BIowjob420

    I use male doctors exclusively and always demand a prostate exam without a glove.

    7 years ago at 11:13 am
  2. UnKappaFifth

    Is there something off about the one on the left in this first picture? I just can’t imagine he’s slaying the opposite sex on even a rare occasion.

    7 years ago at 11:30 am
      1. Fratty Couples PGA

        I had no problem understanding what he said. Turn your brain on, chief.

        7 years ago at 12:50 pm
      1. Fratty Couples PGA

        jizzrag69 is a filthy GDI fucking cunt with spiky hair and guages. I move for the blackball. And I sincerely wonder what the fuck happened to the rest of you that you think he’s funny.

        7 years ago at 12:57 pm
    1. Burt Reynolds1776

      That dude is the frattest fucker of all. He chewed so much in grade school, he lost his jaw to cancer.

      7 years ago at 2:43 pm
  3. Fratty Couples PGA

    You’re supposed to wipe from front to back, Bolen you filthy hillbilly.

    7 years ago at 12:37 pm
  4. TheyDroveDixieDown

    Having a full hard on and posing for a formal picture like it’s nothing is a power move.

    7 years ago at 2:06 pm
    1. richdaddybowtiefrat

      Much respect hoss, I do the same damn thing except in my formal pics I have five sloots on me with one taking the fratrocket (ten inches of steel), two taking the balls, one taking the taint and the last one taking the exit hole. All the while, i have a bottle of macallan 40 that I chug while having the bars and stars draped on me. Needless to say, any Hilary supporting cuck will be cowering in fear when they see me and will be sure to hide their girlfriends and moms from the dope dick #nutinyourface #allocationofresources #MAGA #stains

      7 years ago at 6:57 pm
      1. TheyDroveDixieDown

        It’s nice to see a true fratstar back in action but come on, everyone knows big dicks are NF. Rookie mistake.

        7 years ago at 9:31 pm