university of michigan delta sigma phi appropriation

Michigan Delta Sigs Forced To Cancel Egypt-Themed Party Due To Cultural Appropriation

university of michigan delta sigma phi appropriation

Guys, I’m starting to believe that the greatest holiday of all, Halloween, will soon cease to exist. We’ve already deemed that Mexican sombreros are too triggery. Next, it appears we’re banning mummies ‘n such, too.

The University of Michigan’s Delta Sigma Phi chapter cancelled a Egypt and Nile River-themed party over the weekend due to outcry of “cultural insensitivity and appropriation.” For context, Delta Sig has long-held ties to symbols of Egyptian culture; some of the highest honors you can earn at the national level are the Pyramid of Excellence Award and Order of the Sphinx. Yet still, somehow, asking people to dress up like Cleopatra or King Tut is too much.

“These whites” have to cancel all that doesn’t include staring at one another aimlessly while drinking Capri Suns. Damn those white privileged frat bros thinking they can throw a history-centric party based on the core values upon which their fraternity was founded. DAMN THEM!

Question: Can we all STFU about race and just, like, love each other and shit and stop being SJWs on social media just for retweets? It’s really putting a damper on my days.

College campuses are turning into no fun zones because you literally can’t do anything without someone going, “Owie, my feelings!” Will we soon be banning cowboy attire at UT games so those of Wild West descent won’t be triggered?

I’m part Mexican and find Cinco de Mayo or any Mexican-themed parties the tits. If I went to Egypt and they were throwing a USA-themed party, I’d be all up on that shit. I’ve got as much USA and Mexican pride as the next guy, but you don’t hear me complaining every single themed party. I’ve got other shit to worry about, and an theme party is pretty low on my priority list. It ranks somewhere below “nuclear war” and right above “bees dying off at an alarming rate.” Kick back. Relax. Laugh at yourself once in awhile. Have a drink at a party that isn’t canceled. You might enjoy it.

So the fraternity loses the themed-party battle here. Fine. But so help me GOD if this spills over to Halloween and you lay a big stink in my pumpkin beer.

h/t Free Beacon

Image via Shutterstock

  1. Ticklemyfrock

    This is getting old… Freud said he could diagnose mental illness, not just individuals but entire groups of people based on their behavior. Text book Schizophrenia

    7 years ago at 3:28 pm
  2. CanadianB4C0N

    Unless the bitch complaining praises the sun god Ra when she wakes up every morning she’s talking out of her ass.

    7 years ago at 3:29 pm
  3. Burt Reynolds1776

    People complaining about this party as cultural appropriation, are the same people that claim ancient Egyptians were black.

    7 years ago at 3:55 pm
  4. GeedsAreRuiningAmerica

    …Except that anthropologists aren’t sure what race or ethnicity Ancient Egyptians really were.

    7 years ago at 4:04 pm
  5. TheyDroveDixieDown

    Look on the bright side, the more time these new age liberal types spend “fighting” for cultures that went extinct a couple thousand years ago the less time they spend “fighting” for a man to be allowed to mutilate his genitals, inject estrogen and call himself Nancy at the taxpayer’s expense.

    7 years ago at 4:10 pm
  6. mosthonorableactive

    I’m done with fighting this stuff. We should just get on board with social justice and start tearing down anything that was historically associated with bad stuff like racism and slavery

    We can start with the pyramids and the Democratic Party

    7 years ago at 4:21 pm
    1. CanadianB4C0N

      Technically the pyramids weren’t built by slaves. They were built by Egyptian workers who were then honored St the highest level, earning similar tombs for themselves and their families in the shadows of the pharaohs.

      7 years ago at 10:30 pm
  7. Ron_Paul_2016

    As both a brother of Delta Sigma Phi and an ACTUAL person of Egyptian descent, I find her views of cultural appropriation extremely offensive.

    7 years ago at 5:43 pm
    1. jizzrag69

      I don’t care what culture you crawled out of don’t be such a boner about it

      7 years ago at 8:16 pm
  8. BootLt

    Oh yeah fuck the fact that delta sig the first multicultural fraternity in the world, and is you know, founded on Egyptian ideals and symbols. But what do I know I’m just a boot

    7 years ago at 7:02 pm
    1. jizzrag69

      Their case wasn’t helped by the fact that all delta sigs are massive goobers

      7 years ago at 8:17 pm