Let’s Get Weird: October 20

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It’s Friday, it’s the time of the year when sports are at their absolute best across the board, and alcohol is readily available in the United States of America, so let’s get weird.

Hey, nerds. Talk to me about what you’d like to see more of on the site. Less of, too (besides Wally). Do you listen to our podcasts? Which ones? Talk content to me.

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What are we getting into this weekend?

Whole squad fuckin tonight. @benben7 @matt_wolas @vtownboogie

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  1. Fratty Couples PGA

    For starters, Sarina has massive sweater puppies. And in closing, the video above was so gay it made me cringe.

    7 years ago at 12:38 pm
      1. jizzrag69v2

        And you’re a virgin. Now sit down little man before you get your teeth knocked in

        7 years ago at 9:14 pm
      2. jizzrag69v2

        So you admit to being a massive pussy. Now shut up you broke bitch before you mess up my taco belle order

        7 years ago at 9:32 pm
      3. Burt Reynolds1776

        I have no problem stating that I’m not a pussy. It is interesting how you still haven’t denied the ass assassin’s claims, especially considering your anal fixation.

        7 years ago at 3:50 pm
  2. Henry_Eighth

    Next week is Ignore The Trolls Week. Don’t respond to them no matter how much shit they talk, don’t even upvote or downvote them. Just completely disregard them. Most trolls vanished as soon as the commenting system changed, since they could no longer get the massive downvotes they crave. But we still have thevaginator, thevaginatorv2, jizzrag69v2, BuschLattesFTW, and Fratty McFratfrat. Ignore The Trolls Week starts when Fail Friday is posted and runs until the next Fail Friday.

    7 years ago at 12:59 pm
    1. El Terrible

      Fratty McFratfrat is changing the game. He brings the competitive atmosphere this site really needs

      7 years ago at 1:59 pm
    2. TheyDroveDixieDown

      The trolls have their own network of shell accounts. We could all leave the site today and the comments would still be a wild ride of the one or two guys behind every troll account arguing and up/down voting themselves. It’s gone too far to stop.

      7 years ago at 3:05 pm
    3. jizzrag69v2

      Looks like they’re not gonna post Fail Friday this week. So that’s a big swing and a miss for you champ

      7 years ago at 6:16 pm
    4. Fratty Couples PGA

      Fratty McFratfrat can be funny when he’s not being a troll. I think right now he’s just trolling the trolls. But I agree on the rest. Good idea!

      7 years ago at 10:50 am
      1. No_menstruating_allowed

        It takes a special kind of retard to keep coming back to a place where he’s universally hated.

        7 years ago at 5:16 pm
      2. BuschLattesFTW

        Funny cause your mom said something similar about you when I was dogging her cheeks while you were on your way to junior high via the short bus

        7 years ago at 10:23 am
  3. AndrewsMomsAss

    Yesterday I saw a robbery at an Apple Store! I was an iWitness! Ha ha I’m going to put that on Facebook!

    7 years ago at 1:55 pm
  4. Great Bambino

    I want a ghost like version of Rob Fox’s story telling to come back. The daily story telling helped me forget about my daily debilitating hangovers.

    7 years ago at 2:24 pm
  5. TheyDroveDixieDown

    More: rompers, staff composed content, activity in the comments (bring back voting and just ball trolls/guys who go too far), TFM podcast (but you’ve already axed that), SharkWeek columns, the forums.

    Less: freelancers just phoning it in for the $25 a few times a week, Producer Cuck, and get rid of the wall if you’re just going to post stupid advertiser friendly 69 jokes.

    Also, ask Micah where my fucking mouse pads are. I emailed him requesting 60 last month and haven’t heard back.

    7 years ago at 3:13 pm
    1. Henry_Eighth

      I found the podcasts to be almost unlistenable. I feel like their main purpose is to give the hosts enough celebrity status to allow a jump to a more visible media brand.

      7 years ago at 3:27 pm
      1. TheyDroveDixieDown

        They’re unbearable unless you accept them for what they are, people who don’t know anything about anything who think they’re experts on a given subject. I don’t think they’d prove efficacious as a means of transitioning, the fan base is too small. I’d imagine the higher ups just write the pods off as a service to the hardcore TFM/PGP fans looking for more content.

        7 years ago at 4:18 pm
      2. InternationalFratStudent

        I really enjoy the pods, dudes doing business brings out some very interesting takes and inside TFM is just mindless shit that help the commutes go by faster. The others I don’t really care for though.

        7 years ago at 4:25 pm
      3. DrGonzoTFM

        OCC is fun to listen to from time to time, Inside TFM is unlistenable, dudes doing business is good (though it’s mostly geared for the PGP and up crowd) and Back door cover was good until the podcast basically became all about Mia khalifa’s feeble attempts to stay relevant.

        7 years ago at 10:03 pm
      1. TheyDroveDixieDown

        Keep doing you my man. These new kids who can’t appreciate informative, marine biology content are the vocal minority.

        7 years ago at 4:24 pm
      2. SharkWeekTFM

        Just decided to finish and submit something after reading your comment. 🙂

        7 years ago at 4:59 pm
  6. InternationalFratStudent

    Fix the comment section, or at the very least explain to us what is happening.

    7 years ago at 4:25 pm
    1. SharkWeekTFM

      Bowtie, rolled sleeves on a up button down, short shorts, croakies, plastic sunglasses, sperries, a sign around your neck that says “my culture is not a costume”

      7 years ago at 5:02 pm
  7. Larry_Sellers

    I haven’t visited the site much at all since the comment section change, but here are my thoughts:

    Your podcasts are terrible. Gave most of them a chance some time ago and they are borderline unlistenable.

    Your freelancers are terrible. Let Jared and Dan loose and have them actually write shit again rather than edit those idiots’ submissions.

    Where is Fail Friday?

    Fire Wally.

    7 years ago at 4:43 pm