ivy league schools

Ivy League Schools Are Overhyped And Overrated

ivy league schools

Growing up in New Jersey, there are two main colleges you always hear about. The ironic thing is these two institutions of higher learning couldn’t be any more different; its like goddamn A Tale of Two Cities over here.

The first one is Rutgers. Rutgers is where drunk degenerates from all 50 states gather in East Brunswick, New Jersey to get inebriated. The school boasts a minor crime problem and subpar teams in every D-1 sport under the sun. Basically, having a degree from Rutgers says, “My liver’s shot and I have mediocre aspirations in life.”

The second school is Princeton University, the sacred ground on which the halls of the most hallowed learning stand. Princeton is the opposite of Rutgers: sophisticated, classy, and for those who are either already in or are soon to enter the upper echelon of society. At Princeton, sport coats are mandatory dress code attire for lectures and everyone speaks in a faint English accent (or so I imagine). No one drinks cheap beer; they drink vintage wines, and instead of coffee they drink tea out of sets of fine China (probably).

Sure, Princeton seems like it might be all well-to-do and proper in a way that’s palatable, but it belongs to the most pompous and cockiest of all the collegiate athletic conferences: the Ivy League. Ivy League schools like to pretend they’re the 1% of educational institutions, and their students and alumni carry themselves as such. Ivy League graduates are the type of people to use that extra room in their house for a library instead of a man cave or home gym. If you went to an Ivy League college and your daughter asks you for a pony for Christmas, you get it for her. You don’t get it because she wants it; you get it so you can use it to play polo in your fair time.

Ivy League schools, it’s time you get over yourselves. At the end of the day, you’re nothing more than the worst present-day D-1 athletic conference. One hundred years ago before football helmets existed your teams were relevant, now you’re lucky to have what, a dozen NFL players active at a time? Has there ever even been an ESPN College GameDay live from the campus of an Ivy League school? No, that’s because the people who normally would tailgate in the parking lot in the background while Tim Tebow offers his insight are probably in the plasma physics lab trying to solve global warming. (Editor’s Note: College GameDay was definitely live from Boston for the Harvard-Yale game back in 2014, but I respect the rant too much to take that point out)

Ivy League graduates, you’re no better than any of us who went to “normal schools.” We all went into debt to pay tuition; sorry you did it with a bigger price tag. And besides, what are you even paying for, the water polo team’s new Speedos? Dope. A “better education?” College is college. Maybe it’s the glory that comes with being an Ivy League school student that they’re after? I once met a girl who thought Harvard, the so-called poster child of the Ivy League, was a fake college created for the movie Legally Blonde. Granted she was dumb as shit, but it still goes to show that nobody cares.

Ivy Leagues, you’ve had a nice run. Back in the roaring twenties, you were the talk of the town, and all the coolest cats went to you. Now it’s 2017, and we’re ready for something a little more reckless than “lawn parties.”

Image via Shutterstock

    1. NotDevryGuy

      Also, I assume you didn’t go to an Ivy, since your first sentence has a grammatical error…

      7 years ago at 12:04 pm
      1. NantucketLaddie

        You obviously didn’t attend an ivy either, seeing how his error was a spelling mistake, and whilst spelling falls under the conventions of the English language, it is not a part of grammar.

        7 years ago at 12:20 pm
      2. ItalianStallion

        creating a TFM account just to proofread articles, you don’t get laid much do you?

        7 years ago at 11:55 am
      3. jizzrag69v2

        Why don’t you sit this one out squirt wouldn’t want to get your feelings hurt

        7 years ago at 12:41 pm
      4. Ghost of Dixie Past

        Yeah, fuck that guy for questioning the poor quality of the product you put out right?

        7 years ago at 12:53 pm
  1. thevaginator

    Worrying about grades is for poors. Why would I give a shit about grades when I have a six figure job waiting for me the second I graduate and a trust fund

    7 years ago at 1:18 pm
    1. Ghost of Dixie Past

      Hey Mangina Pledge, were the kids in your special ed class nicer to you today? Don’t forget to add my new account to the nominees for the next try hard award, and that the black’s problems with law enforcement are largely of their own doing. – Dixie out

      7 years ago at 4:39 pm
      1. Ghost of Dixie Past

        Hey guy, you should fuck your mother. Only if you’re into fat chicks though.

        7 years ago at 5:48 pm
      2. thevaginator

        Kid your career earnings won’t come close to 7 figures you broke bitch
        Now sit the fuck down before you get knocked the fuck out

        7 years ago at 10:09 pm
  2. Milesbart928

    The Ivy League as in fact hosted ESPN College Game Day. Penn vs Harvard, 2002, Corso sported the Quaker headdress as Penn rolled the Crimson 44-7 en route to an Ivy title. As a human, let alone proud Penn Football Alum, it pains me that articles are so poorly written and factually incorrect. Continue to regenerate society ItalianStallion, all because that one Ivy League girl wouldn’t look your way 🙁

    7 years ago at 1:58 pm
    1. Ghost of Dixie Past

      I bet you got real good real quick at the “don’t let Sandusky catch you in the shower” game.

      7 years ago at 5:46 pm
    1. EmilyStoreyy

      I just got paid 9k dollar working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $14k her first month. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less. This is what I do… www.Jobzon3.com

      7 years ago at 2:10 pm
  3. Thecorrectinator

    I made an account just to point out Rutgers is in New Brunswick. Being from East Brunswick, I can proudly verify East Brunswick’s only contributions to society are slightly above average schools and a lot of Indians and Jews. Also hyped that it’s name was dropped.

    7 years ago at 2:32 pm
    1. ItalianStallion

      welcome to the site, glad you took a few seconds away from your fleshlight to create an account!

      7 years ago at 11:56 am
  4. benwennick

    Have y’all run out of content to talk about to the point where you’re smearing ivy league schools (probably because you’re not smart enough to have gone to one)? There is more to college than whether you drink coffee or tea, or whether your football team is d-1… Ivy league schools have incredibly good sports teams. This is a low blow and just makes you guys look ignorant.

    7 years ago at 10:08 am
      1. TheWolfofWall

        And the jobs you state school dumbasses earn in the future aren’t real jobs, what’s your point?

        7 years ago at 3:00 pm
      2. jizzrag69v2

        My point is that you’re gonna get your teeth knocked in if you don’t sit the hell down and shut the fuck up

        7 years ago at 8:43 am
      3. TheWolfofWall

        Wacha gonna do little boy, punch me through the screen? Easy to talk big through a screen

        7 years ago at 10:13 am
      4. jizzrag69v2

        Why don’t you say that to my face little man instead of hiding behind a computer screen. Pussy

        7 years ago at 7:42 pm
  5. FratbodandStache

    I grew up in Princeton, and the kids were barely more intelligent than the townie kids.

    7 years ago at 2:41 pm
  6. TheWolfofWall

    A dozen athletes in the NFL but dozens of billionaires, and thousands on Wall Street. Only got two words for this article: sour grapes.

    Have a poor average life frat bro.

    7 years ago at 2:58 pm
    1. thevaginator

      Kid you will be chained to a cubicle for the rest of life and will make 60k tops. You’re one to talk about average

      7 years ago at 10:16 pm
      1. TheWolfofWall

        I go to an Ivy with a trust fund already set up for me when I graduate. You go to Alabama… who the fuck goes to bama its for poor sourthern hill billies

        7 years ago at 8:25 am
      2. thevaginator

        The $2,000 You earned by working at taco bell during the summer doesn’t count as a trust fund little man

        7 years ago at 10:00 am
      3. TheWolfofWall

        The bama hillbilly tryna talk big to an Ivy man? How cute. go back to your dirt sack you poor fuck

        7 years ago at 8:28 am
      4. thevaginator

        First of all I don’t go to Alabama you dumb fuck. Second, I could buy you kid. Why the fuck would I waste my time at a school filled with a bunch of virgins like you when I could go to a state school, party my ass off, and still earn more money than you could ever dream of thanks to my family’s wealth, connections, and influence. Third, id beat the living shit out of you kid, so sit down and shut the fuck up before you get knocked out.

        7 years ago at 9:57 am
      5. TheWolfofWall

        My bad, probably another shit southern school. Damn all that “wealth” and still can’t afford to pay for an Ivy tuition. How sad this little man needs to government to pay his tuition. It’s cute how you keep trying to convince yourself that the unknown shit school you go to is better than an Ivy. I’ll let you live in your own little world now.

        7 years ago at 10:16 am
      6. thevaginator

        For someone who goes to an “ivy” league school you sure are one dumb sack of shit. I go to an sec school where my grandfather has a building named after him. As I said before, I don’t need an ivy education to make more money than you. I have wealth and connections, two things you don’t have. So why would I waste my time with a bunch of virgins like you when I could be partying my ass off and slamming dumb State school whores? If you’re going into business or finance there’s a decent chance you will end up working for me. So I’d sit down and shut the fuck up unless you wanna get knocked out.

        7 years ago at 9:55 pm
      7. KSig1869ab

        This column was posted two weeks ago and you’re still going back to it to see if anyone has replied to you. Damn kid get a life.

        7 years ago at 11:55 pm
      8. thevaginator

        And you’re commenting on a thread of mine that has nothing to do with you on an article that is over two weeks old. That tells me you spend a lot of time looking at my profile. Just how much real estate do I own in your head little man? Must be a lot especially after that ass beating i gave you about a year ago today. Fucking pussy

        7 years ago at 1:55 am