GVSU Boots Sig Ep Off Campus For Making A Responsible Decision

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Here we go again. On Wednesday, Grand Valley State announced a ban of their second fraternity in the last year as their Sigma Phi Epsilon chapter will now join the former Delta Upsilon as a defunct branch.

From WoodTV8:

GVSU confirmed its decision Wednesday to expel the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity from campus after repeat violations surrounding alcohol consumption and hazing. The decision bars the fraternity from GVSU for five years.

The decision was appealed by members, but GVSU’s investigation led it to uphold its choice to remove the fraternity.

The final blow came just as the school year started in September. A 21-year-old student was hospitalized after having too much to drink, university officials said. Fraternity brothers say the student fell in the bathroom and had a concussion.

Full disclosure: This is my school so admittedly I’m biased. That being said, this feels a little harsh. Look, there are plenty of times when a school has all the right in the world to cut a fraternity loose. But having the final straw be a 21-year-old who had too much to drink doesn’t seem fair. Especially considering that the fraternity brothers in attendance took the correct action in helping him to the hospital. The Sig Ep brothers seem to be in agreement over that sentiment.

Jacob Gaft, a senior who was a member of the fraternity, said the students should not be punished for how they handled this situation, but rather lauded. He said his fraternity brothers may have saved the injured student’s life.

“It was a 21-year-old who was drinking under his own conditions. He slipped and fell. Two sober brothers brought him to the hospital,” Gaft said. “He did have a concussion but I would say we followed all the rules.”

This is why every school needs to have some type of fraternity amnesty law. We’ve seen what kind of horrible shit can ensue when brothers are afraid to take someone to the hospital for fear of consequences. Obviously, that shouldn’t stop anyone from making the right decision, but it also doesn’t help any. It should especially apply in situations like this one when the infraction doesn’t even seem to be hazing related.

Sure, this particular chapter had seen probation time for offenses in the past. Sure, they probably shouldn’t have been throwing a party so quickly after that probation was lifted. But in this scenario, the punishment doesn’t seem to fit the crime.

[via WoodTV8]

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  1. TFM CliffsNotes

    FIRST! Holy Hell I’m drowning in PUSSY now that EVERY sorostitute on campus knows I’m always FIRST and RULE TFM. FUCK ALL YOU PEASANTS!

    7 years ago at 11:45 am
      1. Fratty McFratFrat

        Man, you are ripping up the league! You’re the greatest FIRST player since FirstPostOx! He may have to come out of retirement to protect his legacy!

        7 years ago at 12:20 pm
      2. Henry_Eighth

        Say, Cliff Notes, when you get a chance could you summarize The Sound and the Fury for me? I can’t figure out what the fuck that Benji guy is talking about.

        7 years ago at 12:26 pm
  2. jizzrag69v2

    If I was a sig ep at grand valley state I would drink myself into a stupor too

    7 years ago at 12:31 pm
    1. FDRwasapussy

      Hey chief, I’m coming for this account too. Don’t you worry, whether you post as vaginator, vaginator2, BuschLattes or JizzRag I have you’re fucking number. You’re all the same worthless shit stain in my eyes.

      7 years ago at 3:18 pm
      1. thevaginator

        Keep my name out of your mouth you little bitch, unless you wanna get your ass beat…again

        7 years ago at 3:36 pm
      2. BuschLattesFTW

        You’re a worthless shit stain in your moms eyes. She told me last night when I was elbow deep in her anal orifice

        7 years ago at 4:46 pm
  3. Butanefratoil

    Just start a Greek only hospital where all the IV bags are everclear and all the nurses are topless

    7 years ago at 8:49 am