The best ten weeks you never want to live through again

    1. FDRwasapussy

      You have a good imagination on you pledge. That must be how you made the transition from failing to pull women to failing to pull men so easily. Fucking disgusting.

      6 years ago at 7:14 pm
      1. thevaginatorv2

        You know what else was disgusting? Having your mom shit all over my cock

        6 years ago at 3:11 pm
    1. jizzrag69v2

      I’ve already killed three men. Killing a pledge now and then wouldn’t bother me

      6 years ago at 3:08 am
  1. SharkWeekTFM

    I’ve always been of the opinion that you don’t have to physically hurt a pledge to properly haze. And joking about it could send the wrong message to the ignorant masses.

    6 years ago at 4:42 pm
    1. jizzrag69v2

      Sometimes you just have to knock a pledge’s teeth in just like I’ve knocked in the teeth of every loser on this site who crosses me

      6 years ago at 4:04 am
      1. BuschLattesFTW

        Just like how I knocked your moms teeth in with my frong when I was face fucking her last night

        6 years ago at 12:51 pm