
How To Get Right Swiped On Tinder, According To A Female Tinder Extraordinaire


If you’re reading this, it’s either because you’re wondering how a hot piece of ass like yourself isn’t drowning in a pool of Tinder matches, or because you’ve accepted the fact that you are not as attractive as you thought and you’re admitting you need help getting those coveted right swipes from the ladies surrounding you. Whichever category you fall into, get ready to hear something you don’t want to: You are not as attractive as the women on Tinder are.

Guys, you’re living in the age of Facetune, contouring, and selfie lights, and you’re not keeping up. So if you’re not down to learn how to Facetune your thighs, contour your jawline until it can cut a steel-covered diamond, and wear makeup to blur any imperfections, just follow this 1,700-matches-and-counting girl’s simple guide to cheating your way into getting more right swipes on Tinder.

1. Turn Your Smart Photos On

Tinder made this a feature for a reason, and it’s not because girls don’t know what pictures they look good in. Trust me. We know our best angles and best photos. We get hundreds of likes on Insta because we know what we’re doing. You, on the other hand? You need some assistance, and Tinder’s there to help. You might think you look hot as hell on that boat squinting and holding a dead fish with your sunburnt arms, but turn that Smart Photos feature on and you will quickly learn it’s not that attractive to women.

2. Post A Photo With A Hat On

Whether it’s backwards or forwards, all that matters is that you’re wearing a hat. Why? Because it hides part of your face, which can only help in getting right swipes. At first glance, any girl can be tricked into thinking you’re cute and right-swipe worthy. Plus, a backwards hat makes every boy at least 12% more attractive. This is #SCIENTIFIC #FACT. Trust me, I was a STEM major for 3 years in college — I know science. And I definitely didn’t make up that statistic four years ago and then keep shoving it down people’s throats in hopes of it becoming scientific fact.

3. Post A Photo With Sunglasses On

Why? You guessed it: Because you need to cover more of your face. Again, the idea is the less of your face a girl sees, the more attractive she’ll find you.

4. Include A Photo With A Few Girl Friends Who Are Objectively Pretty But Not Adriana Lima “Too Pretty To Be Real” Pretty

Why? Because a girl will think that if you’re good enough to be hanging out with these pretty girls, you’re good enough to right swipe. But leave the supermodel-esque pals off your bio (if you have any), because that’s just gonna be a hit to your potential match’s self-esteem.

5. Think Of A Creative And Funny Bio

Girls love a nice sense of humor. Even if we don’t find you attractive, we’ll still right swipe you because we know you’re funny and we’re looking forward to the jokes and hilariously awful Tinder pick up lines.

6. Post A Picture With A Friend Who’s Shorter Than You To Trick Girls Into Thinking You’re Extra Tall

This needs no further explanation.

7. Post A Picture With Your Hot Best Friend Because We’ll Probably Right Swipe Immediately, Hoping It’s Him We’re Matching With

Start a nice conversation and be funny afterwards. By the time we realize our mistake, we could have already started to like you because of your sense of humor. See what’s important here?

8. Always Include A Picture Of You With A Dog

Doesn’t matter if it’s your dog, your best friend’s dog, your neighbor’s dog, or that random girl on campus who you Venmo’d so you could take a picture with her dog. A boy with a dog is hotter than a boy without a dog, you feel me?

Now once you’ve gotten those right swipes, it’s up to you to capitalize on those matches. Tell her a funny joke. Make her forget how ugly you are by masking it with self-deprecation and wittiness. By the time you’ve won her over with your personality, it won’t even matter what you look like. You’ll hook up, fall in love, get married, and have a great life together while being one of those obnoxious couples endorsing Tinder for the rest of their lives.

Or, at the very least, you might get laid.

Image via Shutterstock

      1. FDRwasapussy

        Why pledge, are you looking for tips? I’m curious as to what your fucking malfunction is if you can’t even make it with the gays.

        7 years ago at 6:58 pm
  1. jizzrag69v2

    Tinder is for losers. I just walk around with this massive bulge in my expensive European jeans and let the slams flock to me. I pull more ass in a week than you losers do in a year and I could have twice as much but I refuse to put my cock in anything less than a 9.

    7 years ago at 1:17 pm
      1. jizzrag69v2

        If you mean that you have 5 inches and I have 9 inches then, yeah you’re right. But stop fantasizing about my dick.

        7 years ago at 2:49 pm
  2. thevaginator

    Hot mess eh? I assume that means you have a curiosity about the depth of your anus. I’d be more than happy to test that out for you. And yes…im extremely wealthy.

    7 years ago at 2:58 pm
  3. Ghost of Dixie Past

    “Jess” is an Asian, which I like, but she’s the skinny type of Asian instead of the big tits type, which I don’t like. All in all I’m disappointed.

    7 years ago at 6:29 pm
  4. No_menstruating_allowed

    Je ne savais pas qu’ils avaient des femmes asiatiques en Floride. Je ne sais pas si son vagin est agréable, mais j’aimerais savoir si elle a consenti.

    7 years ago at 8:04 pm