America Is Doing Just Fine
I can’t believe some of the panicked drivel I’ve been reading across the internet all through 2017 about how doomed this country is and how we need to “hang in there.” Even more dramatic, there’s the Washington Post’s cheesy slogan — “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” Trust me, though: this country is nowhere near getting trampled by the four horsemen of the apocalypse. America is still the greatest country on Earth, and we will always be a beacon of freedom.
If you ignore the president’s stupid tweets, his personality, his militant sycophants, and all the doomsday articles by the people who pushed for his opponent last year (and there are people on both sides of the aisle writing these), it’s actually been a pretty good year. Unemployment is down, wages are up, the economy has solid growth, and consumer confidence is up. And that’s not because of the president; that’s because of American ingenuity. The people are what make America great, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference, income, or political persuasion. You and me. All of us. The sweat, blood, and tears we put in day in and day out. If some overgrown, insecure child in the White House wants to tweet at LaVar freaking Ball, I don’t care. It doesn’t affect me, really. As long as Americans are allowed to continue to do what we do best: take advantage of our freedoms to do great things.
We have guaranteed rights. We have the best, most robust economy in the world. We have the best legal system in the world. We’re far from perfect, but there’s nowhere better on Earth. Our only real problem? Divisiveness. But division is a choice. Don’t be part of the problem; be part of the solution. Instead of assuming those who disagree with you are evil or ignorant, you can choose to at least explore and understand their point of view. We don’t all need to agree. We need to coexist. And that’s on us as Americans.
Don’t “hang in there” and hope the winds will magically change. That’s childish. The fact is that often people’s motivations are not anywhere near as horrible as the pundits tell us. Be polite to people who disagree with you. Being a good American, let alone being a good person, is so much more than politics. Let’s all hate each other for other reasons that matter, like sports.
America is fine. Regardless of your politics, at least half the time the government will be run by people with whom you strongly disagree. I loathed the previous president and I didn’t vote for the current one. And yet life goes on. It’s not the end of the world. America goes on. And life is no worse today than it was the past ten years. In many ways it’s better, and much of it has nothing to do with politics.
2017 was a good year, and 2018 is poised to be even better. 2018 will be what you make it, so stop acting like the world is ending, grow up, and make the world a better place..
First!!!! Just like ‘Murica!!!!
7 years ago at 8:03 amThis is the best thing I’ve read here in at least a year, every American needs to read this
7 years ago at 8:54 amIn the first two days of 2018 I’ve already made more money and banged more 10s than any of you losers will experience over the rest of your lives. God bless America.
7 years ago at 9:57 amNo you didn’t
7 years ago at 10:01 amJust ask your mother kiddo, she was one
7 years ago at 11:44 amBanging ten 1s doesn’t count kiddo
7 years ago at 1:05 pmI’ve fucked the kids mom before she is no 10. Deep anus though
7 years ago at 1:08 pmNo she wasn’t
7 years ago at 2:48 pmYou aren’t very good at this are you junior?
7 years ago at 4:40 pmHow’s your Knoxville dorm poor?
7 years ago at 9:31 pmYou ever look up where Steve Aoki was on new years eve dumbass? Little man took a hard L today and he’s about to take another later when I pound his mom’s shitter.
7 years ago at 9:35 pmWell little man I know you saw this because you lapped it. Keep on dancing boy
7 years ago at 10:25 pmI don’t live in a dorm you dumb fuck I just use that location to meet stupid shits like you to knock their teeth in. I don’t shit where I live and I don’t like losers like you bleeding on the manicured lawn after I beat the crap out of them
7 years ago at 10:31 pmThat’s why you have the address on the top of your head. You also said you live in a fraternity house, which is a place poors live in also. Should have built yourself a house like I did poor
7 years ago at 9:36 amThe 3 story mansion you built on Minecraft from your mom’s basement doesn’t count little man.
7 years ago at 9:43 amMy family paid for the entire fraternity house, my grandfather was the architect, and our construction company built it. So yeah I live in a house that was built with my money. How’s that one-bedroom $99 dollar move-in special overlooking the sewage treatment plant working out for you and your mom short stack? You caught crabs off the toilet seat yet?
7 years ago at 11:01 amNo you didn’t. Your family didn’t do that. You’re a poor. Stop trying
7 years ago at 12:31 pmYes I did. My family did that. I’m rich. Stop trying (you know it will end poorly for you, in an obsession with “getting” me that will yield, for you, frustration and humiliation)
7 years ago at 12:34 pmYou are a fucking idiot
7 years ago at 11:43 amHot start to the New Years.
7 years ago at 5:13 pmIt sure is. The pendulum swings. Bill Clinton got us W. who was conservative enough to make people vote for O who was liberal enough to convince people to vote for T I can only imagine the Trans gay hippy vegan that will come in 2020
7 years ago at 7:45 amSounds like you’re planning to run for president
7 years ago at 7:50 amIndeed there is always strife and people wanting something they don’t deserve.
7 years ago at 9:13 amWe just need to figure out who’s who and not be afraid to call out ridiculous people.