FAIL FRIDAY: New Year, Same Shit

Below are the best of the worst photos, videos and TFMs sent in by our readers this week. Names have been omitted to protect the guilty, but God sees all shame.

Got something you think should be featured in Fail Friday? Send it to us HERE.

Pointing to your mouth whenever a girl at a party asks where the bathroom is. TFM.

It’s only funny until you find a chick who’s down to defecate in your boca.

19 years old with the wrinkly penis of a 67-year-old elderly man from overuse. TFM.

Keep the status of your piece to yourself.

Been growing this one long hair out of my left nipple for 6 years and its my greatest accomplishment. TFM.

I was about to eat lunch when I read this and it destroyed my appetite.

Accidentally sending every single one of your Snapchat friends a cock shot so then doubling down with a close up of your taint to finish the deal. TFM.

You’re supposed to say you were hacked.

Not giving a bid to the kid who fucked your girlfriend in high school. TFM.

He sounds cooler than you.

Dissecting a squirrel just to see what its insides look like. TFM.

Ayyyy a serial killer.

We’re not allowed to have pledges anymore because it turns out last semester’s pledge trainer kept forcing them to send him pictures of their feet. TFM.

Never appoint someone with a foot fetish to be pledge trainer.

Starting 2018 off on the right foot by literally getting “shit yourself in the holding cell after being arrested for indecent exposure” drunk. TFM.

That is the wrong foot.

Getting cucked by your pledge brother but at least it was your brother for life and not some rando geed. TFM.

Nah fam you still got cucked.

Being so worried about losing your JUUL in the club that you hit the bathroom stall and stick it up your ass. TFM.

Could’ve just left it at home or put it in your pocket but alright.

You know that ‘stache is just coated in juices.
Hell yeah fellas.
You can’t handle this trio on the beer pong table.
That hat is straight fire.
Goober squad out for blood.
Throw your sign up.
Ain’t no party like an RV party.
So many pockets.
Never seen three dudes in greater need of an ass-whooping.
Clowning at the muni.
Hey look they’re blowing each other.
Top left is swagging hard.
Who wants to rush?
Teletubbies out here livin’.
You motherfuckers need to go to and buy some new goddamn shorts.
The ol’ Pike guitar, huh? Interesting.
Castle needs reinforcements.
Holster that deuce, sir.
The three best friends that anyone could have.
Guarantee you this dude games hard.
That selfie was a mistake.
They got swords and shit.
Unsuccessful bathroom trip.
Man down.

Percocet. Molly, Percocet. (@scotturso)

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Sliding into 2018

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Hey man we can all see you (@sammygutierrez_)

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Sports anger making you mentally and physically unstable (@realpaulwalker)

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Got something you think should be featured in Fail Friday? Send it to us HERE.

  1. jizzrag69v2

    This feature should be renamed FAIL PIKE. Except for Pikes these pictures represent Success

    7 years ago at 12:52 pm
  2. kolivera

    We’re these submissions just old as dirt or do people still actually dress like goobers from 2006.

    7 years ago at 2:33 pm
    1. Wraith

      They are recycling old submissions because no one actually comes here anymore.

      7 years ago at 6:07 pm
  3. Ghost of Dixie Past

    Man of African descent at the RV party coming through with the absolute worst pair of cargos I’ve ever seen.

    7 years ago at 6:01 pm
  4. thevaginator

    All these pike losers are on here bitching. Should have known better than to join a bottom tier fraternity. I’ll see you losers on interview day. Make sure you dress professionally and bring a copy of your resume goobers.

    7 years ago at 5:46 pm